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Today is one year anniversary from my college graduation. Coincidence or not, but on this day I’ll share some tips how to write CV, and how to land job interviews.
Well, I’m living in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Country that is on the last place in Europe by quality of life, and unemployment rate is huge 43,6%. I’m writing this because, no matter if you have brilliant CV, you’ll still struggle to get job. I’ll share some pro tips, and real life time tips about writing CV, but I can’t guarantee you a job.
When I graduated from college, I have focused lot attention on writing my CV, I even attended workshop for writing CV. After workshop, and after reading lots of articles from the internet, I have written my first CV. From this time perspective it was rubbish, because I figured out that you must really work on your CV and, you must create unique CV which will stand out of the mass. Tips that I’ve read on the internet couldn’t help me at all, because I’m living on Balkans, and corporate culture here is so low, (
from 100 send application, only 30% will respond you back), so if you’re living in a similar countries brace yourself for CV tips.
General tips for writing CV
- Stand out of the mass
Company recruiters don’t have time to read every CV they receive. It’s impossible, so they’re mainly looking at the form of the CV.
So you can go with,
You can write your CV in European form using Europass
https://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/hr/documents/curriculum-vitae .
If you want to stand out you should be more creative. Write your own form, but be careful, formatting your CV is important thing, don’t go full artistic on it.
- Form of your CV
You should write your
basic contact information, and you should add your
LinkedIn profile. Picture is a must have today! You already have million pictures on your Facebook, Instagram (#selfie). So if you’re potential employer screens your name via Google, is there any picture that could compromise you?
So, on your CV please
attach professional portrait photography.
It might seem redundant, but write this down. It shows that you have ambition, and you have a professional goal.
- Add formal, informal education.
Formal education covers your professional education. Informal education covers your courses, certificates, informal way of learning.
Write every work experience that you think, would be relative to your potential job. Add your volunteer jobs, freelance jobs.
Don’t write too much, CV is only invitation to the job interview. You must stay a little bit mystique; you should impress them on the Interview. We will write about this in next article.
Here you should write about languages that you speak, computer skills, also driving licenses is important thing in my country. You can customize this, by your own intuition.
Write your characteristics; show that you are a team player, a quick learner, which can quick adapt to existing structure and etc.
- Tips from my experience
Your CV should look formatted, clear and unique so you need to follow some basic rules;
- There is a general rule, that for every 10 year of your professional experience you should write one CV page. So if you are young professional or graduate you should keep your CV under 2 pages, 2 pages maximum.
- You should customize your CV, you can send same version of CV for every job application, but better chances you have if you customize your CV in order with job application.
- Stand out from the mass, I’m using QR code. It’s nice add-on, and QR coderepresents my personal website, or online portfolio.
- Write your email and contact phone on every page of your CV in small print, again this should improve your chances to stand out.
- Use metrics in your CV, http://lmgtfy.com/?q=metrics+in+CV .
End note,
Be mysterious; don’t write all in your CV, as I mentioned CV is only entree to the Interview, save something that could make you stand out.
My CV was praised by many professionals, so I’m writing these tips to help you land your dream job. Tips presented in this article are just one example of how you could arrange yours, it’s up to you! Let Google be your friend.
I’ll end this article with my motto,
“Continuously working on improving and enhancing our knowledge, because we worth as much as we invest in ourselves.”
Till the next time, may the force of knowledge be with you!