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Features of a MOOC - UAB Barcelona
talk about features in MOOC, Ms do you think that these features can be available in e-learning?
What is the main features in MOOC that could not be found in e-learning?
Features of a MOOC vs e-learning:
All types of e-learning:
The structure is conceived to promote autonomous learning with a number of resources in the form of videos, links, documents, etc. and spaces for debate and communication.
On line
To take these courses all you need is a computer, internet connections and the use of a global web server. You can learn at home conveniently, flexibly and at your own pace.
N.B. Some e-learning courses don't require an internet connection
MOOCs only:
The number of places on courses is unlimited, the scope is global and the courses are aimed at people with different interests and aspirations.
Open and Free
The course materials are available on internet and are all completely free. Students just have to register beforehand.