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rose student

Active Member
Hi Carolyn

My question is :

If we want to differentiate between e-learning and MOOC, can we say that in the architecture of e-leraning there is only one server and on the other hand , MOOC can gas many server such us server for students only, server for insturcors and so on.

Any references could help me?

Many Thanks


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Hi Carolyn

My question is :

If we want to differentiate between e-learning and MOOC, can we say that in the architecture of e-leraning there is only one server and on the other hand , MOOC can gas many server such us server for students only, server for insturcors and so on.

Any references could help me?

Many Thanks

You may find the following references helpful in answering your question:

What’s the Difference Between a MOOC and an LMS? | Your Training Edge ®
What is the difference between MOOC and online platform ?
Online training platform, Is it a MOOC or just eLearning?
ID and Other Reflections: 11 Differences between a MOOC and an Online Course

rose student

Active Member
Hi Carolyn

openness MOOC , if I want special course of university is open only for it is students but not to others can I control this point in MOOC platform.

or not.


Founder at MoocLab
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Group Manager
Hi Carolyn

openness MOOC , if I want special course of university is open only for it is students but not to others can I control this point in MOOC platform.

or not.
Yes, you can restrict access to a course. This type of course is more commonly known as a SPOC (Small Private Online Course)

rose student

Active Member
Yes, you can restrict access to a course. This type of course is more commonly known as a SPOC (Small Private Online Course)


Ok, I apologized to the large number of questions, but I want to know every thing about MOOC.

What is the difference between MOOC as business model and MOOC as eductional model?


Founder at MoocLab
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Ok, I apologized to the large number of questions, but I want to know every thing about MOOC.

What is the difference between MOOC as business model and MOOC as eductional model?
If I understand your question correctly, you are asking about the difference between providing MOOCs to generate profit and providing MOOCs purely for educational purposes.
Firstly, both formats require a business model to be sustainable as delivering MOOCs has a cost.
For-profit MOOC platforms, such as Coursera or Udacity for example, have introduced fees for "add-ons" such as verified certificates, graded assignments, Learning Pathways, mentoring etc It is still possible to access the course content for free, but the learning experience won't be as rich without paying for the extras.
Non-profit organizations like edX, still need to generate an income to survive so they also have fees for verified certificates, but there are no fees connected to the actual learning experience.
Other ways MOOC platforms generate income is through platform licensing, course design and consulting, employer-sponsored courses, or a number of paid courses.

rose student

Active Member
If I understand your question correctly, you are asking about the difference between providing MOOCs to generate profit and providing MOOCs purely for educational purposes.
Firstly, both formats require a business model to be sustainable as delivering MOOCs has a cost.
For-profit MOOC platforms, such as Coursera or Udacity for example, have introduced fees for "add-ons" such as verified certificates, graded assignments, Learning Pathways, mentoring etc It is still possible to access the course content for free, but the learning experience won't be as rich without paying for the extras.
Non-profit organizations like edX, still need to generate an income to survive so they also have fees for verified certificates, but there are no fees connected to the actual learning experience.
Other ways MOOC platforms generate income is through platform licensing, course design and consulting, employer-sponsored courses, or a number of paid courses.

May I have additional references about this point?

Many Thanks..


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Study Buddy
How can we convince 4 million k2 teachers plus. 1.5million HE instructors that good good online is as effective as a good f2f education . That is the solution to education of the world .
Let us get better online everyday .


Founder at MoocLab
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How can we convince 4 million k2 teachers plus. 1.5million HE instructors that good good online is as effective as a good f2f education . That is the solution to education of the world .
Let us get better online everyday .
This will take time, but views are already changing towards online education. Some universities already accept credit from online programs, and corporates are starting to hire graduates of online courses, such as with Udacity, for example. We must remember that the rise in e-learning is still fairly new, and people have to get used to it and trust it. The proof will be in the pudding as we say in England!

rose student

Active Member
I want to know the structure of course in MOOC, by figures , images that illustrated it?

Do you think there is a difference between it and course structure in e-learning?

rose student

Active Member
When we talk about term of Networked :
In MOOC : More networked – blogs, tweets, wikis, etc.
In e-learning: Less networked – wikis, forums, etc.

Why MOOC has more network?

Many Thanks


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I want to know the structure of course in MOOC, by figures , images that illustrated it?

Do you think there is a difference between it and course structure in e-learning?
MOOCs usually run from 6 to 12 weeks, and can be accessed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Usually, MOOC students can access the course content in their own time and at their own pace, sometimes with the option of 'live' webinars at a fixed date/time.
Most often, the the content is delivered via video recordings of 5-10 minutes each.
Assessment is usually done by multiple-choice questions and project-based assignments.
Assignments are uploaded onto the MOOC platform for review - either automatically or by peer grading.
MOOCs usually have an associated forum for student interaction and support.
Typically, there are no pre-requisites for enroling on a MOOC.
There is no limit to the number of people who can enrol on a MOOC.

This publication highlights some of the differences between MOOCs and other online courses:
ID and Other Reflections: 11 Differences between a MOOC and an Online Course


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ًWhich MOOC features are not available in e-learning? Just openness and massive only?
Generally, e-learning caters for a smaller, more specific group of learners to achieve a specific goal. It doesn't have the collaborative features of MOOCs where people from different backgrounds, situations and goals can meet and interact around a course. It is also often a paid service and offers certified credentials.


Founder at MoocLab
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When we talk about term of Networked :
In MOOC : More networked – blogs, tweets, wikis, etc.
In e-learning: Less networked – wikis, forums, etc.

Why MOOC has more network?

Many Thanks
Networking is one of the key features of MOOCs as opposed to standard e-learning as MOOCs are "open" and "massive". People from around the world enrol on MOOCs and it's a great opportunity to meet others with similar interests through the course forums, but also through social media groups etc. E-learning usually involves small, closed groups of people who don't interact online.

rose student

Active Member
If I want to connect one course in 3 departments in university . This course host in Moodle, and I want to allow large numbers of students to enroll this course from these 3 departemnt. Can I use Moodle HUB? or this depend on the architecture of Moodlethat this university use?


Founder at MoocLab
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If I want to connect one course in 3 departments in university . This course host in Moodle, and I want to allow large numbers of students to enroll this course from these 3 departemnt. Can I use Moodle HUB? or this depend on the architecture of Moodlethat this university use?
I'm not totally sure what you mean, but with Moodle, you can set up permissions for particular users to access courses based on certain criteria. If you are hosting a course on the university's Moodle site, you will have to contact the university about setting up these permissions.

rose student

Active Member
I'm not totally sure what you mean, but with Moodle, you can set up permissions for particular users to access courses based on certain criteria. If you are hosting a course on the university's Moodle site, you will have to contact the university about setting up these permissions.

Yes , that is exactly what I mean . But with Moodle limited number, now I want to allow large number of student to access this course can I call in this case MOOC with Moodle?
I want to implement the concept of MOOC in Moodle.