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According to this trends graph, JavaScript is the one to learn.

Source: GitHub language trends and the fragmenting landscape


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I recommend

Emergence of Life, although I did not like the "let's pretend" nature of 2 of the assignments, this course introduced me to the work of Carl Woese on the use of RNA to determine phylogeny and evolutionary relationships.
I have attended the first installement of this course and i was a little disappointed. It's very interesting in the first three lectures and i admit, that i never heard about Carl Woese before. But there are many questionable, or at least unprecise statements in the lectures, so that you have to turn a blind eye a little bit to often. I accept that a Geologist isn't an Astrophysicist. But he could have asked one. After the third lecture i was a little bit bored and the quizzes gave me the rest. So it's one course i did not complete.


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Has anyone on here taken one of these courses?
2. Dan Ariely's Course on behavioural economics is really fun and enlightning Go for it.
6. Simply : Best course ever !
9. Much reading. The Odyssey is about 500 pages of Hexameters. Choose yourself.

At least all this courses are recommendable.

Fabrice Kordon

Active Member

L'Université Pierre & Marie Curie lance une nouvelle édition (intégrant les dernières annonces d'Apple, iOS8 et le langage Swift — en plus du langage Objective-C)du MOOC d'avril 2014 sur la "Programmation sur iPhone et iPad".

Cette nouvelle édition se déclinera en deux parties dont la première est déjà ouvertes aux inscriptions (elle démarrera le 3 février 2015).

Toutes les informations sont disponibles ici :


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GG101x: The Science of Happiness

Started 1st December with edX
University of California, Berkeley

The first MOOC to teach positive psychology. Learn science-based principles and practices for a happy, meaningful life.

"A free eight-week Science of Happiness course that will offer practical, research-backed tips on living a happy and meaningful life."
- Huffington Post

We all want to be happy, and there are countless ideas about what happiness is and how we can get some. But not many of those ideas are based on science. That’s where this course comes in. “The Science of Happiness” is the first MOOC to teach the ground-breaking science of positive psychology, which explores the roots of a happy and meaningful life. Students will engage with some of the most provocative and practical lessons from this science, discovering how cutting-edge research can be applied to their own lives. Created by UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center, the course will zero in on a fundamental finding from positive psychology: that happiness is inextricably linked to having strong social connections and contributing to something bigger than yourself—the greater good. Students will learn about the cross-disciplinary research supporting this view, spanning the fields of psychology, neuroscience, evolutionary biology, and beyond. What’s more, “The Science of Happiness” will offer students practical strategies for nurturing their own happiness. Research suggests that up to 40 percent of happiness depends on our habits and activities. So students will learn many different research-tested practices that foster social and emotional well-being—and the course will help them track their happiness along the way. The course’s co-instructors, Dacher Keltner and Emiliana Simon-Thomas, are not only leading authorities on positive psychology but also gifted teachers skilled at making science feel fun and personal. They’ll be joined by world-renowned experts discussing themes like empathy, mindfulness, and gratitude—experts including Barbara Fredrickson, Paul Ekman, Sonja Lyubomirsky, and Jon Kabat-Zinn. Health professionals who register can earn continuing education units for their participation.


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These educational resources can complement and supplement MOOCs by providing open, share-able, often modifiable, mix-able and remix-able (depending upon the licenses), syllabi, contents, books, videos, slides, and other assets. These resources are mostly open, free, often downloadable as pdf, ePub, or other formats and, are quite valuable in terms of the contents.

1. Connexions (
A great place for modular educational materials, that can be freely mixed and organized as books, course materials, or even as an entire course.

2. OpenStax College (
A very good site offering peer-reviewed textbooks by professional content developers meeting the scope and sequence requirements for many courses. A very large number of schools have already adopted OpenStax College books.

3. Open Text Book Library (
As the name indicates, this site is dedicated to text books covering diverse domains such as Accounting and Finance, Computer Science and Information Systems, Economics, Law, Social Sciences, besides others.

A rich collection of open, peer-reviewed, online teaching and learning materials along with faculty developed services with the patronage of an international education community.

5. Open Course Library (
Free to use, high quality, browsable and, downloadable courses stored in Google docs. Simply download, remix and, teach!

6. The Orange Grove (
This is Florida’s digital repository for educational resources providing educators the opportunity to use, remix, contribute and share; suitable for K-12 and Higher Education.

7. College Open Textbooks (
Another great resource for open text books and teaching/ learning materials with prime focus on community colleges and the first two years of 4-year institutions.

8. OER Commons (
This is a digital content hub offering road maps, training, tools and, of course, contents from around the world in a number of academic areas, many formats and, from pre-school to graduate/ professional levels along with adult education.

9. Saylor
This is Saylor Academy’s site offering resources in the form of courses at the University, K-12, and Professional Development levels.

10. Curriki
A great place for vetted and organized educational resources including lessons, etextbooks, complete courses, projects, labs and interactive simulations, videos, assessments and discussion boards as well!

11. ck-12
This site provides a library of free online textbooks, videos, exercises, etc. covering more than 5000 concepts in varied areas to support K-12 STEM education under the patronage of non-profit CK-12 Foundation.

12. Bookboon (
Another great site offering more than a thousand ebooks, in seven languages, free to download – no registration required. Courtesy Venus Publishing, Denmark.

13. Open Courseware Consortium (
A worldwide community of institutions related to higher education offering resources in course format, including planning materials, such as syllabi and course calendars, thematic materials like text books, lectures, notes, etc.

14. Open Culture
A site offering more than 800 free courses, along with free audio books, ebooks and text books.

15. NASA (
A treasure trove for educators of all levels in the domains of earth and space sciences- peer reviewed!

16. Khan Academy (
A non-profit, providing educational resources to anyone, anywhere- free. Requires registration.

17. Open Source Education Foundation (
A great place for all things related to free and open source software in the educational realm.

18. Creative Commons (
A not for profit organization that enables sharing and use of creativity and knowledge through its legal tools – a must visit site to understand the legality of building upon the work of others or offering your own work to others to build upon.

19. Open Education Database (
Open Education Database is an online education directory listing free as well as for-credit learning options from certificate/ diploma through bachelor’s all the way to doctorate levels.

20. Open Tapestry (
A good place to discover, curate, mix/ add, and share open educational contents- for free. The premium version offers custom domain, LMS Integration, password protection, etc. at a price.

21. Academic Earth (
This site offers a collection of free on line college courses – from certificates to doctoral levels along with its own learning-outside-the-class-room videos.

22. OER (
A very good site from University of Cambridge offering open resources for teacher education- a great place for interactive teaching assets.

23. OER Knowledge Cloud (
The Open Educational Resources Knowledge Cloud offers services to identify, collect, preserve and disseminate valuable documents to researchers, industry, government, scholars, writers, historians, journalists and informal learners – an initiative by UNESCO/ COL.

24. LiveBinders (
This site enables you to put all your digital assets – Google Docs, videos, webpages, PDFs, presentations, etc., in one nice digital binder. A real nice place to collect and organize your resources along with exploring, copying and sharing resources from different binders including educational binders.

25. Good Sites for Kids (
A good place for lesson plans and index of kid sites in a variety of areas such as history, archaeology, mathematics, etc.



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Ebola in Context: Understanding Transmission, Response and Control
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine

Understand the science behind Ebola with experts in infectious disease epidemiology and public health. Designed for healthcare professionals and students.

Ebola: Symptoms, History and Origins
Lancaster University

Go behind the headlines to learn more about Ebola, its symptoms and where the current outbreak came from. Ideal for anyone with an interest in science or medicine.

Explore Filmmaking: from Script to Screen
National Film and Television School and BFI Film Academy

Budding filmmaker? Keen movie fan? Meet award-winning filmmakers and explore their specialisms - from writing and directing to cinematography and editing.

Shale Gas and Fracking: the Politics and Science
The University of Nottingham

Explore the science behind shale gas and fracking. Learn why it divides political and public opinion, hearing from all sides of the debate.

Our Hungry Planet: Agriculture, People and Food Security
University of Reading

Consider how the food we grow, buy, eat and throw away relates to the global issue of food security. Meet food producers around the world and keep a food waste diary.

Caring for Vulnerable Children
University of Strathclyde Glasgow

Understand some of the approaches involved in caring for vulnerable children. Develop your career in child care or social work services.

Much Ado about Nothing: in Performance
University of Birmingham

Discover how this play is performed and interpreted - from original stagings to the present day. Meet the director and cast of the Royal Shakespeare Company’s current production.

Antimicrobial Stewardship: Managing Antibiotic Resistance
University of Dundee

Learn what antibiotic resistance is, why it poses such a risk and how we can combat it. A course for healthcare professionals.

Nelson winters

Active Member
Excel Everest is a company that strives to help people learn Excel in a super interactive and ideally fun way. You can think of Excel Everest as a book written about Excel but created inside Excel itself. It is truly an enjoyable way to learn.

Excel Everest is best suited for the beginning / intermediate Excel user. It is NOT for the pro user to get better. Here are the elements that differentiate Excel Everest from the rest:

Excel Based– The whole course takes place inside Excel

All in one package– one file gives you access to all the information

● Structured course – walks you through the course step-by-step, ongoing support as you learn

● Intuitive Interface - easy to navigate around and access any part of the course

● Interactive – the program monitors and grades your progress.

Real Practice– real practice problems with examples

● Comprehensive – covers all the most important Excel topics

● Affordable – well below the price point of expensive courses and packages

Quick– hands on approach allows you to acquire the skills 2-3 times faster

Fun– the course offers entertaining exercises and humor

Sign up here to get started!
Last edited:


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Udemy is excited to offer six computer science courses for free from December 8-14 in support of the Hour of Code. The Hour of Code is one-hour introduction to computer science, designed to show students that they can learn computer science basics. It is a global movement that reaches tens of millions of students in more than 180 countries.

To participate, simply click here, select a course, and use the coupon code “HourofCode” to access the course for free. The following Udemy courses are being offered:

  • HTML5 Mobile Game Development for Beginners
  • Create Desktop and Web Games In 2 Hours Without Programming
  • Programming for Entrepreneurs – JavaScript
  • Programming for Entrepreneurs – HTML & css
  • Game Development and Coding for Children
  • Programming for Kids – How to Make Coding Fun

Noreen Mullin

Active Member
Just finished a great course given by Jonathan Mayer, Stanford U., on this topic. He is a young instructor with an excellent set of teaching skills: articulate, succinct, thorough, and even humorous! In addition, he had the foresight to include PDF files of his slides, which I think was particularly helpful in this course (and would definitely be helpful for anyone not fluent in English). I trust it will be repeated, so watch for it.

Another one that is being repeated soon is Dr. Asher Susser's course on The Emergence of the Modern Middle East. A real winner!

Unfortunately, I am told that Dr. Ebrahim Asfah's course Constitutional Struggles in the Muslim World has no plan by Copenhagen or Coursera to be repeated any time soon. A real loss!
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