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Developing Innovative Ideas for New Companies: The First Step in Entrepreneurship
Started 20th Oct on Coursera
Price: Free
194 Reviews

Financial Modeling: How to Build a Complete Model with Excel
Self-paced on Udemy
Price: $199.00 USD
91 Reviews

Online Microsoft Excel (PC 2003, 2007, 2013, 2013, Mac 2011)
Self-paced on Filtered
Price: Free / Subscription $15.00 USD a month
8 Reviews

Principles of Project Management (ProjMgt)
Started 20th Oct onOpen2Study
Price: Free
4 Reviews

Introduction to Business
Self-paced on StraighterLine
Price $49.00 USD
20 Reviews


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According to ClassCentral, these are the ten most popular MOOCs starting in November 2014:

International Organizations Management
This course provides an overview of the management challenges international organizations & NGOs are faced with. You will learn key theoretical frameworks and practical tools to excel in this environment.
Nov 10th | Coursera

On Strategy : What Managers Can Learn from Philosophy – PART 1
In the expression “creative thinking”, the keyword is not creativity; the keyword is thinking. With the help of great philosophers, you will rediscover the art of thinking.
Nov 4th | Coursera

Analyzing Global Trends for Business and Society
What does the future hold for global markets? How are societies and cultures evolving? Who will be global powers of the 21st century? Take this class and find out how global trends are transforming business and society.
Nov 3rd | Coursera

This course will introduce you to the foundations of modern cryptography, with an eye toward practical applications.
Nov 10th | Coursera

Good brain, bad brain: Parkinson’s disease
Learn the fundamentals of Parkinson’s disease; what causes it and what we can do to ameliorate the symptoms.
Nov 17th | FutureLearn

Understanding Research Methods
This course enables students to develop their understanding of research methods, and confidence in designing a research project, choosing and executing appropriate methods, and assessing its intellectual/academic rigour.
Nov 3rd | Coursera

Discover Your Value
This self-paced course provides participants with the opportunity to explore, assess, and document learning mastered through a variety of life experiences. You will be challenged to think holistically and critically about your skills, knowledge, and performance capabilities as they relate to college-level and professional-based learning.
Nov 3rd |

An Introduction to Consumer Neuroscience & Neuromarketing
This course will introduce you to the multidisciplinary field of consumer neuroscience and neuromarketing. It will go through to the basic concepts of the human brain, the elements of the consumer mind, how it is studied, and how its insights can be applied in commercial and societal understandings of consumer behaviour.
Nov 10th | Coursera

FinAccount101 – Introduction to financial and management accounting
Learn how to read and analyze financial statements and understand basic techniques to manage costs and capital investment decisions.
Nov 10th | Polimi OPEN KNOWLEDGE

Major Depression in the Population: A Public Health Approach
Illustrates the principles of public health applied to depressive disorder, including principles of epidemiology, transcultural psychiatry, health services research, and prevention.
Nov 3rd | Coursera


Active Member
7 out of 10 of these are offered by Coursera. People clearly prefer Coursera to other providers. Why is that?


Active Member
An Introduction to Consumer Neuroscience & Neuromarketing
This course will introduce you to the multidisciplinary field of consumer neuroscience and neuromarketing. It will go through to the basic concepts of the human brain, the elements of the consumer mind, how it is studied, and how its insights can be applied in commercial and societal understandings of consumer behaviour.
Nov 10th | Coursera
This looks really interesting - has anyone signed up for it?

Colin McLaren

Active Member
This is a great and fascinating course by Dr. Marnie Blewitt of the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research. You need to have a solid understanding of biology and basic genetics as a background for this course (or you will be very lost) but it is very well taught and provides a wonderful introduction to the complexity involved in the interaction of genetics and the environment that genes are expressed in. Definitely 5 stars ***** out of 5.

Colin McLaren

Active Member
I recommend

Emergence of Life, although I did not like the "let's pretend" nature of 2 of the assignments, this course introduced me to the work of Carl Woese on the use of RNA to determine phylogeny and evolutionary relationships.
I have signed up to repeat this course today and I will attempt to complete it by submitting all of the assignments this time. Regards, Colin McLaren


Active Member
Starts 10th March on edX:

In public discussions, climate change is a highly controversial topic. However, in the scientific community, there is little controversy with 97% of climate scientists concluding humans are causing global warming. Why the gap between the public and scientists? What are the psychological and social drivers of the rejection of the scientific consensus? How has climate denial influenced public perceptions and attitudes towards climate change? This course examines the science of climate science denial. We will look at the most common climate myths from “global warming stopped in 1998” to “global warming is caused by the sun” to “climate impacts are nothing to worry about.” We’ll find out what lessons are to be learnt from past climate change as well as better understand how climate models predict future climate impacts. You’ll learn both the science of climate change and the techniques used to distort the science. With every myth we debunk, you’ll learn the critical thinking needed to identify the fallacies associated with the myth. Finally, armed with all this knowledge, you’ll learn the psychology of misinformation. This will equip you to effectively respond to climate misinformation and debunk myths. This isn’t just a climate MOOC; it’s a MOOC about how people think about climate change.


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Three new free online courses are now available on FutureLearn:
    • Empire: the Controversies of British Imperialism
The British Empire was the largest ever seen and its legacy continues to cause disagreement among historians. This six week course from the University of Exeter will help you understand why.
You’ll explore British imperialism through six themes – money, violence, race, religion, gender and sex, and propaganda – and meet those involved in the Empire’s rise and fall.
It starts on 19 January – join the course now

  • What is Character? Virtue Ethics in Education
Character education and virtue ethics are increasingly talked about by politicians, employers, teachers, parents and young people.
In this two week course, you’ll meet both academic experts from the University of Birmingham and practising teachers. You’ll find out how teaching virtues – such as honesty, self-control, fairness, resilience and respect – can help both individuals and society flourish.
It starts on 19 January – join the course now.
  • World War 1: a History in 100 Stories

On 25 April 2015, it’ll be 100 years since the Gallipoli Landings – Australia and New Zealand’s first major military engagement of World War 1.
This five week course is part of the 100 Stories Project at Monash University, commemorating this Anzac centenary and exploring the cost of the war.
It starts on 13 April - join the course now.

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