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Active Member
According to the reviews, there is a lot of information to absorb and some of the materials are quite heavy going, but the overall experience seems to be a good one. Also some criticism of the presentation being a bit "dry" and quality issues with the audio.


Active Member
According to the reviews, there is a lot of information to absorb and some of the materials are quite heavy going, but the overall experience seems to be a good one. Also some criticism of the presentation being a bit "dry" and quality issues with the audio.
Thanks for that, Susan.

Noreen Mullin

Active Member
Best course on Coursera is being repeated right now: A Brief History of Humankind. Mesmerizing professor; provocative topics; deep thinking! Dr. Harari is one of a kind.

Hopefully will be repeated again: Constitutional Struggles in the Muslimorld. Professor Afsah is one of the top two Coursera instructors in my book. Gives a deep historical background, and is open, unbiased, and provocative.

Emergence of the Modern Middle East: will be repeated I understand. Professor Susser is exceedingly unbiased and thoughtful, and the course itself, like Constitutional Struggles above, is truly enlightening in respect to today's situations.

Surveillance Law: going on right now. Hippie-looking instructor who is organized, original, interesting and absolutely clear on a rather confusing topic.

Hard to contain myself on this question, since I've completed (not for certification) 13 courses, and have begun and dropped only two: one due to my own inadequate biochemical background; the other because of sheer boredom with the two professors giving the course.


Founder at MoocLab
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Best course on Coursera is being repeated right now: A Brief History of Humankind. Mesmerizing professor; provocative topics; deep thinking! Dr. Harari is one of a kind.

Hopefully will be repeated again: Constitutional Struggles in the Muslimorld. Professor Afsah is one of the top two Coursera instructors in my book. Gives a deep historical background, and is open, unbiased, and provocative.

Emergence of the Modern Middle East: will be repeated I understand. Professor Susser is exceedingly unbiased and thoughtful, and the course itself, like Constitutional Struggles above, is truly enlightening in respect to today's situations.

Surveillance Law: going on right now. Hippie-looking instructor who is organized, original, interesting and absolutely clear on a rather confusing topic.

Hard to contain myself on this question, since I've completed (not for certification) 13 courses, and have begun and dropped only two: one due to my own inadequate biochemical background; the other because of sheer boredom with the two professors giving the course.

Thanks for sharing, Noreen. If anyone is interested in the courses Noreen has recommended above, here are the links to the courses:



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Louv1.2x: Paradigms of Computer Programming – Abstraction and Concurrency
Nov 17th 8 weeks edX

CS 101: Building a Search Engine
Self Paced 7 weeks Udacity (33 reviews)

Introduction to Internetworking with TCP/IP
Self Paced openHPI

DCO042 - Python For Informatics
Self Paced (1 review)

Program Arcade Games - Learn Computer Science
Self Paced

Semantic Web Technologies
Self Paced openHPI

Introduction to Programming in Java
Self Paced 10 weeks Udacity (4 reviews)

User Experience for the Web
Self Paced 4 weeks Open2Study (2 reviews)

Introduction to Salesforce App Development
Self Paced 2 weeks Udacity

CS50x: Introduction to Computer Science
Self Paced edX (10 reviews)

Mobile Web Development
Self Paced Udacity

DB: Introduction to Databases
Self Paced 11 weeks Stanford OpenEdx (3 reviews)

Making Sense of Data
Self Paced 3 weeks (6 reviews)

Make your own 2048
Self Paced Udacity (1 review)

Programming Foundations with Python: Learn Object-Oriented Programming
Self Paced 4 weeks Udacity (1 review)

Introduction to Internetworking with TCP/IP
Self Paced openHPI

An Introduction to SAP HANA
Self Paced 4 weeks openSAP

Introduction to Programming in C
Self Paced NANPTEL

Intro to HTML and CSS
Self Paced 3 weeks Udacity

JavaScript Basics
Self Paced 3 weeks Udacity

How to Use Git and GitHub
Self Paced 3 weeks Udacity

Introduction to Databases
Self Paced Coursera (24 reviews)

Computer Science 101
Self Paced Coursera (6 reviews)


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Article by Sujan Patel, Entrepreneur and Marketer, VP of Marketing at When I Work

Being a successful entrepreneur means you have to wear a lot of hats, especially when your company is just starting out and you don’t have enough employees to cover all the areas you need.

Learning the new skills necessary to start a new business can be expensive, but fortunately the initiative for free, high-quality, educational resources online has only continued to grow in the past few years. Below are some of the resources available to learn more about marketing, entrepreneurship, business management and more... To read on, go to


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Intro to iOS App Development with Swift
Approx. 3 weeks
Assumes 6hr/wk (work at your own pace)

Course Summary
In this course we will build an iPhone app that records a conversation between you and a friend, and then makes your voices sound like a Chipmunk or Darth Vader.

This course will introduce you to iOS app development in Swift, a new programming language from Apple, and serves as your launching point into the iOS Developer Nanodegree.

Why Take This Course?
This course will set you on your way to becoming an iOS Developer, where you’ll establish a basic understanding of the iOS ecosystem. You’ll also have working knowledge of Swift, Apple’s custom programming language created exclusively for the mobile developer.

Prerequisites and Requirements
This course assumes prior programming experience. Specifically, you should have a strong understanding of programming concepts like variables, if statements, loops, functions, and classes. Lesson 1 of Intro to Computer Science and Programming Foundations with Python are good courses to take if you are completely new to programming.

You will also need access to a Mac computer running OS X 10.9 or later.

We have designed this course such that you will not need a physical device (i.e. an iPhone or an iPad) to build your app. We will be using a simulator on your mac that will imitate the features of a phone on your computer. Towards the end of the course we will provide instructions on how to download your app on an iPhone (in case you do have access to a physical device.)

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This course looks at some of the key skills that international students need in order to be successful at a UK university. It is special because of the way it has been produced. Our English language and study skills teachers at INTO UEA surveyed and interviewed students who had already successfully completed a course and progressed to study at the University. We asked them about the things that they had found most challenging when they started their university programme. This course has been developed as a result of what those international students told us, as well as the experience INTO UEA colleagues have in preparing international students for university study.

Over the four weeks of the course you will hear top tips from international students already studying at university in the UK. You will also hear teachers talking about the key skills that international students need to do well. Our aim is to give you the best possible chance of success in your studies.

Each week there will be videos, articles, quizzes and discussions that will help you develop your study skills. At the end of each week there will be an exercise which will review what has been learned. There will also be the opportunity for you to discuss your ideas with other learners on the course.

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