How helpful are student-generated course reviews?

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Mervyn Pilley

Active Member
Nina, it is the case today. MOOC's meet the criteria for structured CPD and the certificates form part of the record. I don't believe many professional bodies could challenge this assuming the course is broadly within the remit of personal development for the person and is supportive of the work they do.

Mervyn Pilley

Active Member
Nina, because it is just that 'hype' usually written by people who don't understand the background. One of the main problems is that people have always linked MOOC's to academia and degrees and tended to ignore the whole field of CPD - Continuing Professional Development which virtually all professional bodies in the UK insist on all members having. It is here, it is now and unlike the hype is a fact.

Mervyn Pilley

Active Member
Unfortunately one of the critical problems - certainly here in the UK, is just how slow traditional academia works. I have to say the Future Learn programmes are the way that things are going to change, but I suspect it will be a long time before UK degrees will be awarded, based wholly or even in part on MOOC studies. Gaining other types of business qualifications could happen much more quickly


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Given that platforms such as Coursera are moving towards the corporate sector as that is where the money is, I fear that academic awards from MOOCs are likely to fall by the wayside.

Mervyn Pilley

Active Member
Carolyn, not sure I agree with you. I suspect that the US non traditional Universities will continue to push forward towards a degree based around a mixture of online work/MOOC's etc. Whether or not you support Universities such as Phoenix one has to admire the way that they work. Unfortunately here there is just too much stifling tradition in the redbrick and even the plate glass Universities. This Government had made noises about allowing more private Universities but apart from BPP I don't think many have come forward. There is also of course the Corporate University movement. It will take time but I do think it will happen


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Yes, I agree that the US is far ahead of us with this, and our redbrick institutions will really struggle to move into the digital era.

Mervyn Pilley

Active Member
Absolutely not MDH, but in reality nothing is. If someone is determined to beat the system they will. That doesn't mean they should exist


Active Member
Current online testing and assessment cannot provide the level of security required to make Mooc assessments credible.

Mervyn Pilley

Active Member
Duke, I disagree with you. Credibility is very dependent on what the organisation looking to utilise the certificates is looking for. For gaining a degree - I agree very important - for meeting CPD requirements - less so

Mervyn Pilley

Active Member
I don't have the knowledge of Mozilla to comment at the moment. I don't profess to being an expert on all aspects of MOOC's - just someone looking to widen the usage for MOOC certification processes


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Read Hamideh Iraj's 10 Symptoms of being a MOOCoholic:
(First published on Coursetalk)

  1. You start to feel depressed after a course is over.

  2. You feel you have wasted your time when you were not involved in a MOOC in the past.

  3. You start to hate university classes and university assignments because they take too much of your valuable time that you could be dedicating to MOOCs.

  4. You start to think about MOOCs more than thinking about your personal life, your spouse, your parents, your career and your education.

  5. You feel your MOOC classmates are your intimate friends.

  6. If you have planned to learn some sort of arts or sports, the first choice that comes to your mind is MOOCs.

  7. You are always in the feasibility analysis phase, even if you are involved in too many MOOCs: Which new courses you can participate in the future?

  8. You enjoy educational videos more than movies.

  9. You feel really better after you do a quiz or deliver your assignments.
and last but not least:

  1. You go to a class on the first day several times to see if the course has started or not.

Do any of these symptoms ring true for you?


Active Member
Mervyn, I think it depends on the type of course. Some courses/subjects are more easily assessed than others.

Colin McLaren

Active Member
A lot of learners start a MOOC but don't actually finish it. It would be interesting to know how many you have actually completed.

Select a response in the poll.
I confess that I have not actually completed
Introduction to Genetics and Evolution
Logic: Language and Information 1
although I do intend to repeat these when they are offered again.