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MOOC Report is a monthly column published by Class Central at the beginning of each month. It aims to provide a comprehensive list of courses starting that month.

Self paced courses are not included in the report, but can be found at Class Central.

To view MoocLb's independent reviews and ratings of the platforms offering these courses, visit MoocLab's Review Page.

Ten most popular MOOCs starting in August, 2015

Algorithms, Biology, and Programming for Beginners
University of California, San Diego via CourseraThis course will cover algorithms for solving various biological problems along with a handful of programming challenges testing your ability to implement these algorithms.
Go To Class | Next Session : 17th Aug, 2015

Financial Evaluation and Strategy: Investments
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign via CourseraLearn the fundamental principles of trading off risk and return, portfolio optimization, and security pricing—useful skills and concepts to have when making both corporate and personal financial decisions. Also explore market efficiency and firm valuation techniques.
Go To Class | Next Session : Aug, 2015

Cloud Computing Applications
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign via CourseraLearn of “cloudonomics,” the underlying economic reasons that we are creating the cloud. Learn the basic concepts underlying cloud services and be able to use services like AWS or OpenStack Dashboard to construct cloud services or applications.
Go To Class | Next Session : 24th Aug, 2015

Digital Marketing Channels: The Landscape
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign via CourseraLearn the role of digital channels in an integrated marketing campaign and why you need a digital strategy. Interact with the content and hear from industry experts invited to join the course.
Go To Class | Next Session : Aug, 2015

Nutrition and Wellbeing
University of Aberdeen via FutureLearnDemystify the complex and conflicting messages we hear about diet, health and lifestyle today, with this free online course.
Go To Class | Next Session : 17th Aug, 2015

ColWri3.6x: “Dracula” by Stoker: BerkeleyX Book Club
University of California, Berkeley via edXReading, discussing, and writing about Bram Stoker’s classic vampire novel, Dracula.
Go To Class | Next Session : 3rd Aug, 2015

Journalism Skills for Engaged Citizens
University of Melbourne via CourseraThis is a course in basic journalism skills designed for citizens who are using new media to publish news, views and information. We cover writing skills, interviews, ethics, law and accessing public forums and documents. We also introduce basic investigative skills.
Go To Class | Next Session : 17th Aug, 2015

Corporate Financial Decision-Making for Value Creation
University of Melbourne via CourseraIn this course, participants will learn about the key financial decisions modern corporations face, as well as the alternative methods that can be employed to optimize the value of the firm’s assets.
Go To Class | Next Session : 10th Aug, 2015

Professional Practices for English Language Teaching
British Council via FutureLearnA free online continuing professional development (CPD) course for people who are teaching English as a foreign language.
Go To Class | Next Session : 31st Aug, 2015

SOCI101x: Introduction to Sociology
University of Texas of the Permian Basin via edXFrom feminism to Marxism and functionalism, this course offers a fresh perspective on sociological topics like culture, gender, sexuality, race, class and more. This course will cover topics found on the CLEP Sociology exam.
Go To Class | Next Session : 25th Aug, 2015


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Originally posted on FutureLearn's Blog Page

Seven brand new free online courses are now live on FutureLearn and ready for you to join, while many previous courses are getting ready to run again. Here’s our quick guide to them all.

Identifying Food Fraud

This four-week course examines topical issues in food fraud and the ways in which analytical chemistry can help in the fight against it.

You’ll look at a variety of techniques for measuring the chemical composition of food, with experts from The University of East Anglia and the world-renowned Institute of Food Research (IFR).

Find out more and join the course now – it starts 26 October.

Learn to Code for Data Analysis

This hands-on course from The Open University will teach you how to write your own computer programs, one line of code at a time.

Over four weeks, you’ll find out how to access open data, clean it and analyse it, and produce visualisations. You’ll learn Python – a widely used programming language.

Find out more and join the course now – it starts 26 October.

From Ink to Sound: Decoding Musical Manuscripts

You can travel through the history of musical notation, learning how to decode medieval music manuscripts, with this seven-week course from the University of Basel.

As well as theoretical and practical parts, the course offers more than 15 recordings of ancient music performances by the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis – the renowned institution for ancient music in Basel.

Find out more and join the course now – it starts 2 November.

Blended Learning Essentials: Getting Started

This is the first of two courses on FutureLearn, to help people working in the Vocational Education and Training sector get to grips with effective practice and pedagogy in blended learning.

The five-week course has been developed by the University of Leeds, the Association for Learning Technology, the UCL Institute of Education and the Ufi Charitable Trust

Find out more and join the course now – it starts 2 November.

Improving Healthcare Through Clinical Research

This four-week course looks at how medical treatments are discovered, tested and evaluated, in order to improve healthcare for all.

You’ll hear from academics and clinicians from the National Institute of Health Research and the University of Leeds, as well as ordinary people who’ve participated in clinical research studies.

Find out more and join the course now – it starts 2 November.

Intercultural Communication

If you’re working, studying or simply travelling abroad, this five-week course will help you appreciate and adjust to different cultures.

Learning with a cross-cultural team from Shanghai International Studies University (SISU), you’ll cultivate your awareness of your own and others’ cultural values and communication styles.

Find out more and join the course now – it starts 9 November.

Developing Cultural Intelligence for Leadership

Cultural Intelligence (CQ) is the natural evolution from the well-established notions of IQ (intelligence quotient) and EQ (emotional intelligence). Good leaders need all three to lead effectively.

This four-week course from CQ pioneers, Common Purpose, will help you develop your cultural intelligence. It’s ideal for current or aspiring leaders and managers.

Find out more and join the course now – it starts 9 November.

Bryan Burns

Active Member
The MOOC is actually a Limited Open Online Course. Yesterday 412 slots were still available. It is the introduction to the University of Nicosia's (Cyprus) Masters Program in Digital Currency presented by
Instructor: Antonis Polemitis. It runs 07 Sep 2015 - 04 Dec 2015 Click the link to: Register


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The following 10 courses have been selected based on their excellent ratings on CourseTalk CourseTalk - the largest source for student-powered reviews of online courses and MOOCs.

A System View of Communications: From Signals to Packets (Part 1)
edX, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
9 Reviews
Rating 4.5/5
Starting Aug 25th 2015

Crime 101x - The psychology of criminal justice
edX, University of Queensland
9 Reviews
Rating 4.5/5
Starting Aug 25th 2015

Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python by edX - online course reviews and ratings | CourseTalk
edX, MIT
11 Reviews
Rating: 4.5/5
Starting Aug 26th 2015

Introduction to Aerodynamics
edX, MIT
3 Reviews
Rating: 4.5/5
Starting Aug 31st 2015

Data Analysis: Take It to the MAX()
edX, Delft University of Technology
7 Reviews
Rating: 4.5/5
Starting Sep 1st 2015

Introduction to Steel
edX, TenarisUniversity
4 Reviews
Rating: 4.5/5
Starting Sep 1st 2015

Developing International Software
edX, Microsoft
1 Review
Rating: 4.5/5
Starting Aug 21st 2015

Bioelectricity: A Quantitative Approach
3 Reviews
Rating: 4/5
Starting Aug 24th 2015

Think Again: How to Reason and Argue
27 Reviews
Rating: 4/5
Starting Aug 24th 2015

Introduction to Sustainability
11 Reviews
Rating: 4/5
Starting Aug 24th 2015


Active Member
Thank you, Carolyn.

7 out of the 10 top-rated courses are at edX, which also happens to be my favorite mooc-platform.

In all fairness, I have only taken courses at edX, Coursera and Canvas so far, but I have signed up for one at FutureLearn and don't really know what to expect in terms of quality.

Do any of you have any experience with FutureLearn?


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Hi @LDK ,

Thanks for your comment. FutureLearn is a relatively new MOOC platform so it doesn't have the same smoothe functionality as its main competitors such as Coursera or edX, but it partners with some top quality institutions, and offers some interesting courses.

You can view MoocLab's review and rating of the FutureLearn platform by following the link FutureLearn

You could also post a new thread asking what other members think of FutureLearn. The best place to post would be FutureLearn

Hope that helps :)


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If you're looking for courses in business, John A. Byrne, former Business Week editor, has posted an article on LinkedIn, recommending some upcoming Business courses. Follow the link Best MOOC Business Courses for September.

Recommended courses


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Machine learning is the science of getting computers to act without being explicitly programmed. In the past decade, machine learning has given us self-driving cars, practical speech recognition, effective web search, and a vastly improved understanding of the human genome. Machine learning is so pervasive today that you probably use it dozens of times a day without knowing it. Many researchers also think it is the best way to make progress towards human-level AI. In this class, you will learn about the most effective machine learning techniques, and gain practice implementing them and getting them to work for yourself. More importantly, you'll learn about not only the theoretical underpinnings of learning, but also gain the practical know-how needed to quickly and powerfully apply these techniques to new problems. Finally, you'll learn about some of Silicon Valley's best practices in innovation as it pertains to machine learning and AI.

This course provides a broad introduction to machine learning, datamining, and statistical pattern recognition. Topics include: (i) Supervised learning (parametric/non-parametric algorithms, support vector machines, kernels, neural networks). (ii) Unsupervised learning (clustering, dimensionality reduction, recommender systems, deep learning). (iii) Best practices in machine learning (bias/variance theory; innovation process in machine learning and AI). The course will also draw from numerous case studies and applications, so that you'll also learn how to apply learning algorithms to building smart robots (perception, control), text understanding (web search, anti-spam), computer vision, medical informatics, audio, database mining, and other areas.

Learn how to program all the major systems of a robotic car from the leader of Google and Stanford's autonomous driving teams. This class will teach you basic methods in Artificial Intelligence, including: probabilistic inference, planning and search, localization, tracking and control, all with a focus on robotics. Extensive programming examples and assignments will apply these methods in the context of building self-driving cars.

This course is offered as part of the Georgia Tech Masters in Computer Science. The updated course includes a final project, where you must chase a runaway robot that is trying to escape!

The impact of technology and networks on our lives, culture, and society continues to increase. The very fact that you can take this course from anywhere in the world requires a technological infrastructure that was designed, engineered, and built over the past sixty years. To function in an information-centric world, we need to understand the workings of network technology. This course will open up the Internet and show you how it was created, who created it and how it works. Along the way we will meet many of the innovators who developed the Internet and Web technologies that we use today.

What You Will Learn
After this course you will not take the Internet and Web for granted. You will be better informed about important technological issues currently facing society. You will realize that the Internet and Web are spaces for innovation and you will get a better understanding of how you might fit into that innovation. If you get excited about the material in this course, it is a great lead-in to taking a course in Web design, Web development, programming, or even network administration. At a minimum, you will be a much wiser network citizen.

Part of Introduction to Programming Nanodegree
In this introduction to computer programming course, you’ll learn and practice key computer science concepts by building your own versions of popular web applications. You’ll learn Python, a powerful, easy-to-learn, and widely used programming language, and you’ll explore computer science basics, as you build your own search engine and social network.

Why Take This Course?
You’ll learn the programming language Python, and you’ll explore foundational concepts in computer science. Most importantly, you’ll start thinking like a software engineer by solving interesting problems (how to build a web crawler or a social network) using computer programming.

This course is a first step into the world of computer science, and whether you want to become a software engineer, or collaborate with software engineers, this course is for you. You’ll be prepared for intermediate-level computer science classes when you’ve mastered the concepts covered in this course.

This is CS50, Harvard University's introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming for majors and non-majors alike, with or without prior programming experience. An entry-level course taught by David J. Malan, CS50 teaches students how to think algorithmically and solve problems efficiently. Topics include abstraction, algorithms, data structures, encapsulation, resource management, security, software engineering, and web development. Languages include C, PHP, and JavaScript plus SQL, CSS, and HTML. Problem sets inspired by real-world domains of biology, cryptography, finance, forensics, and gaming. As of Fall 2014, the on-campus version of CS50 was Harvard's largest course.

This is a course to teach basic Python programming skills through data analysis. The book and course materials are all free and licensed as Creative Commons. There is no complex math in the course, the programs are generally quite short, and the workload is no more than a few hours per week. By the time you complete the course, you will understand be able to read, parse, and manipulate data using Python. Hopefully at the end of the course you will like programming well enough to take another course in programming or web development. You can register and launch, take the course, and earn your place on the map at any time and at your own pace

Part of Data Analyst Nanodegree
Exploratory data analysis is an approach for summarizing and visualizing the important characteristics of a data set. Promoted by John Tukey, exploratory data analysis focuses on exploring data to understand the data’s underlying structure and variables, to develop intuition about the data set, to consider how that data set came into existence, and to decide how it can be investigated with more formal statistical methods.

WWW, the world wide web or shortly the web - really nothing more than an information service on the Internet – has changed our world by creating a whole new digital world that is closely intertwined with our real world, making reality what was previously unimaginable: communication across the world in seconds, watching movies on a smartphone, playing games or looking at photos with remote partners in distant continents, shopping or banking from your couch … In our MOOC on web technologies you will learn how it all works.

We start off by introducing the underlying technologies of the web: URI, HTTP, HTML, CSS and XML. If this sounds cryptic, rest assured that you will soon become familiar with what it’s all about. We will then focus on web services and web programming technologies along with their practical application. And we will look at how search engines – our fast and reliable signposts in the digital world – actually work to find contents and services on the web. The course concludes with a look at cloud computing and how it is changing the way we will access computing power in the future.

This is an introductory course on computer networking, specifically the Internet. It focuses on explaining how the Internet works, ranging from how bits are modulated on wires and in wireless to application-level protocols like BitTorrent and HTTP. It also explains the principles of how to design networks and network protocols. Students gain experience reading and understanding RFCs (Internet protocol specifications) as statements of what a system should do. The course grounds many of the concepts in current practice and recent developments, such as net neutrality and DNS security.

Students need an introductory course in probability, a strong understanding of bits and bytes, and knowledge of how computers lay out data in memory.

Looking to get started with computer science while learning to program in Python?

This computer science course provides an introduction to computer science that’s both challenging and fun. It takes a broad look at the field of computer science through a variety of demonstrations and projects. We’ll cover both low- and high-level concepts, from how the circuits inside a computer represent data to how to design algorithms, as well as how all of this information affects the technology we use today. Additionally, we’ll teach the basics of Python programming, giving us a a way to put our new CS knowledge into practice.

No need to know any programming before starting the course; we’ll teach everything you need to know along the way. All you need to start is a good grasp of algebra, and you can fall in love with both the concepts and the practice of computer science.

CS101 teaches the essential ideas of Computer Science for a zero-prior-experience audience. Computers can appear very complicated, but in reality, computers work within just a few, simple patterns. CS101 demystifies and brings those patterns to life, which is useful for anyone using computers today.

In CS101, students play and experiment with short bits of "computer code" to bring to life to the power and limitations of computers. Everything works within the browser, so there is no extra software to download or install. CS101 also provides a general background on computers today: what is a computer, what is hardware, what is software, what is the internet. No previous experience is required other than the ability to use a web browser.

Part of Data Analyst Nanodegree
The Introduction to Data Science class will survey the foundational topics in data science, namely:

* Data Manipulation
* Data Analysis with Statistics and Machine Learning
* Data Communication with Information Visualization
* Data at Scale -- Working with Big Data

The class will focus on breadth and present the topics briefly instead of focusing on a single topic in depth. This will give you the opportunity to sample and apply the basic techniques of data science.

See MoocLab's Review & Rating of Coursera, EdX & Udacity


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MoocLab has selected some of the top Science courses to get you started this Autumn.
This course offers you an introduction to different disciplinary perspectives on Climate Change to help you think about how Climate Change affects you as an individual, as a member of your local community, as a citizen of your country and as a member of the global community. We have designed the presentations, discussions, activities and assessment tasks in this course to help you understand what Climate Change is and what you – and we – should do about it.

Start date: 31st Aug, 2015

In this course you will join scientists exploring the ocean from the deepest undersea vents to the chilly waters of the Poles, going deeper, longer, and more often than ever before - and find how what we now know about the ocean depths is as amazing as the unknown that remains. By taking this course, you will see how the deep ocean is no longer out of reach, and join a global debate about the future of our “blue planet”.

Start date: 31st Aug, 2015

In Dino 101: Dinosaur Paleobiology, students will learn about the many kinds of non-avian dinosaurs that roamed the earth during the Mesozoic Era, from 250 to 65 million years ago. Numerous topics are covered in order to deliver a comprehensive survey of this important group of animals. These include adaptations for attack and defence, anatomy, appearances, behaviors, birth, deep time, evolutionary theory, feeding, fossilization, growth, integumentary structures, locomotion, major groupings, origins, paleogeography, plate tectonics, reproduction, species definition, stratigraphy, and the extinction event that brought their dominance to an end.

Start date: 1st Sep, 2015
In the third edition of Solar Energy, you will learn to design a complete photovoltaic system. This course introduces the technology that converts solar energy into electricity, heat and solar fuels with a main focus on electricity generation. Photovoltaic (PV) devices are presented as advanced semiconductor devices that deliver electricity directly from sunlight. The emphasis is on understanding the working principle of a solar cell, fabrication of solar cells, PV module construction and the design of a PV system. You will gain a greater understanding of the principles of the photovoltaic conversion— the conversion of light into electricity. This course explores the advantages, limitations and challenges of different solar cell technologies, such as crystalline silicon solar cell technology, thin film solar cell technologies and the latest novel solar cell concepts as studied on lab-scale. We will discuss the specifications of solar modules and demonstrate how to design a complete solar system for any particular application.

Start date: 1st Sep, 2015
Knowing where things are is effortless. But “under the hood,” your brain must figure out even the simplest of details about the world around you and your position in it. Recognizing your mother, finding your phone, going to the grocery store, playing the banjo – these require careful sleuthing and coordination across different sensory and motor domains. This course traces the brain’s detective work to create this sense of space and argues that the brain’s spatial focus permeates our cognitive abilities, affecting the way we think and remember.

Start date: 1st Sep, 2015
Do you want to develop the skills and knowledge needed to help preserve tropical coastal ecosystems? These habitats provide goods and services for hundreds of millions of people but human activities have led to their global decline. TROPIC101x will introduce you to the incredible plants and animals that create these unique ecosystems. You will go on to explore the challenges these ecosystems are facing such as overfishing, coastal pollution, ocean warming and acidification. Lectures will be delivered by leading experts and you will have the opportunity to take part in a virtual ecology project. Course content was specifically developed at the University of Queensland’s research station on Heron island. Join us on an exciting journey as you develop new knowledge and skills during this innovative and engaging course!

Start date: 1st Sep, 2015
Water is essential for life on earth and of crucial importance for society. Cycling across the planet and the atmosphere, it also has a major influence on our climate.
Weekly modules are hosted by four different professors, all of them being international experts in their field. The course consists of knowledge clips, movies, exercises, discussion and homework assignments. It finishes with an examination.
This course combined with the courses "Introduction to Drinking Water Treatment" (new edition to start in January 2016) and "Introduction to the Treatment of Urban Sewage" (new edition to start in April 2016) forms the Water XSeries, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, TU Delft.

Start date: 1st Sep, 2015
This subject is an introduction to the world of chemistry. You will learn about atoms, the building blocks of everything around us. You’ll learn about how these atoms are put together to make compounds, to make most of the materials that we use every day.
We’ll have some fun looking at some common types chemical reactions and finally, we’ll use our knowledge of these chemical reactions along with a new way of quantifying the world in order to be able to make powerful predictions about quantitative chemistry.

Start date: 7th Sep, 2015

This course will introduce you to the fascinating world of our oceans. You will learn about marine life and key features of the ocean system. You will also explore some of the stressors on marine systems caused by human activity. Finally, this course will cover how society might sensibly approach managing those threats into the future.

Start date: 7th Sep, 2015
Climate change is the biggest global challenge the human race has ever faced. Our insatiable demand for energy from fossil fuels is changing the atmosphere, and in turn changing our climate. Climate change is already affecting the physical surface of the earth, the environment that provides our life support, our food supply, economy and society. These changes will accelerate over the next few decades.
In this course you will explore the impacts of climate change; why we should care about them, the science that underpins our understanding and how we can fix the problem before it’s too late.

Start date: 7th Sep, 2015

See MoocLab's review and rating of Coursera | EdX | FutureLearn | Open2Study


Founder at MoocLab
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MOOC Report is a monthly column published by Class Central at the beginning of each month. It aims to provide a comprehensive list of courses starting that month.

Self paced courses are not included in the report, but can be found at Class Central.

To view MoocLb's independent reviews and ratings of the platforms offering these courses, visit MoocLab's Review Page.

Ten most popular MOOCs starting in September, 2015

Digital Marketing Channels: Planning
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign via Coursera
Discover the multiple channels used by digital marketers today and how to leverage them optimally. Interact with content and hear from industry experts invited to join the course.
Go To Class | Next Session : Sep, 2015

Sponsored Fractals and Scaling
Santa Fe Institute via Complexity Explorer
This course is intended for anyone who is interested in an overview of how ideas from fractals and scaling are used to study complex systems. The course will make use of basic algebra, but potentially difficult topics will be reviewed, and help is available in the course discussion form.
Go To Class | Next Session : 1st Sep, 2015

Financial Evaluation and Strategy: Corporate Finance
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign via Coursera
Learn how to use key finance principles to understand and measure business success and to identify and promote true value creation.
Go To Class | Next Session : 14th Sep, 2015

Mindfulness for Wellbeing and Peak Performance
Monash University via FutureLearn
Learn mindfulness techniques to reduce stress and improve your wellbeing and work/study performance in this free online course.
Go To Class | Next Session : 14th Sep, 2015

Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies
Princeton University via Coursera
There’s a lot of excitement about Bitcoin, but also a lot of confusion about what Bitcoin is and how it works. We’re offering this course focusing on the computer science behind Bitcoin to help cut through the hype and get to the core of what makes Bitcoin unique.
Go To Class | Next Session : 1st Sep, 2015

Confronting Gender Based Violence: Global Lessons with Case Studies from India
Johns Hopkins University via Coursera
This course introduces participants from the health care sector to gender based violence (GBV), including global epidemiology of GBV, health outcomes, seminal research, policy and ethical guidelines, and clinical best practices for GBV prevention, support and management.
Go To Class | Next Session : 7th Sep, 2015

BJC.1x: The Beauty and Joy of Computing, Part 1
University of California, Berkeley via edX
A computer science principles course intended to broaden participation in computing to non-traditional groups. Part 1 of 4.
Go To Class | Next Session : 7th Sep, 2015

BSP101x: Learn Spanish: Basic Spanish for English Speakers
Universitat Politècnica de València via edX
Learn Spanish and explore Spanish culture in this introductory language course, designed for English speakers.
Go To Class | Next Session : 15th Sep, 2015

Digital and Social Media Marketing
Salford Business School, University of Salford via iversity
Learn Digital and Social Media Marketing from five leading European universities using real industry case studies. Make yourself more employable in the digital marketing area or learn how to improve your organisation’s online marketing strategy.
Go To Class | Next Session : 28th Sep, 2015

ColWri3.7x: “The Jungle” by Sinclair: BerkeleyX Book Club
University of California, Berkeley via edX
Reading, discussing, and writing about Upton Sinclair’s politically influential novel, The Jungle.
Go To Class | Next Session : 2nd Sep, 2015

Forests and Humans: From the Midwest to Madagascar
University of Wisconsin–Madison via Coursera
Explore the forests of the world, from the taiga to the tropical rainforest! Learn why humans depend on them, and how we can sustainably manage forests for us and the many species with whom we share them.
Go To Class | Next Session : 30th Sep, 2015
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MOOC platform NovoEd is running 7 new business courses via Philanthropy University's collaboration with UC Berkeley's Haas School of Business to empower changemakers around the world. Courses are suitable for beginners and advanced professionals, and cover topics ranging from leadership to fundraising -- all taught by global thought leaders and expert practitioners!

Earn a Statement of Accomplishment upon the completion of any course. Complete all seven courses to earn a Certificate in Social Sector Leadership from Berkeley-Haas.

Available courses

Essentials of Nonprofit Strategy | Philanthropy University | NovoEd
September 29, 2015 - November 18, 2015

This course will help you develop successful strategies to achieve your organization's goals and make strides towards meaningful impact. Using the social problems of homelessness and childhood obesity as real world examples, you will learn how to undertake the basic elements of strategy: defining the problem, identifying stakeholders, designing a theory of change and logic model, and establishing assessment criteria. With this foundation, you will be able to develop strategies that will ensure long-term impact for your own organizations—rather than just the illusion of results.

Global Social Entrepreneurship | Philanthropy University | NovoEd
September 29, 2015 - November 11, 2015

Learn how to develop and launch your own social venture in this course, which shows students how social entrepreneurship can be one of the greatest forces for positive change in the world. Through the stories of visionary entrepreneurs such as Nobel Laureate, Muhammad Yunus, Embrace Co-Founder, Jane Chen, and Endeavor CEO and Co-Founder, Linda Rottenberg, students examine the crucial themes and elements that lead to the most successful entrepreneurial ventures across the world. These best practices and lessons learned will help elevate your current work or guide implementation of your next great idea.

Organizational Capacity: Assessment to Action | Philanthropy University | NovoEd
September 29, 2015 - November 11, 2015

In this course, students will analyze their organization's current capacity and prioritize ways to further impact. Through a mix of lectures and interviews with real nonprofit leaders, students will design their own capacity building plans--using actual data from survey results--to increase the effectiveness of their organizations. The Organizational Capacity Assessment Tool (OCAT), developed by McKinsey & Company and Venture Philanthropy Partners, will be used.

Leadership: Ten Rules for Impact and Meaning | Philanthropy University | NovoEd

October 6, 2015 - November 25, 2015

You will learn about a Principled Approach to entrepreneurial leadership fueled by Ten Golden Rules for impact and meaning. Through stories and case studies, students will learn to apply the Ten Golden Rules to accelerate organizational success.

How to Scale Social Impact | Philanthropy University | NovoEd
October 6, 2015 - November 25, 2015

This course will equip you with the knowledge necessary to scale your organization's impact and reach by setting your programs apart from those of your peers. Through on-the-ground interviews with current nonprofit practitioners in India, Pakistan, and Kenya, students will learn how to design and implement effective programs that are far-reaching, replicable, and scalable. These theories will be used to guide discussions of how to tackle real life issues faced by the global poor, including human rights abuses, health, food security and education.

Fundraising: How to Connect with Donors | Philanthropy University | NovoEd
October 13, 2015 - December 9, 2015

Through this course, students will learn the ins-and-outs of fundraising from a seasoned fundraiser. Based on the instructor's book "How to Connect with Donors and Double the Money You Raise," the course will show successes and reveal failures that will expose the nuances of effective fundraising practices. Students will then apply the knowledge and stories learned from the class the practices of their own organizations' development teams.

Financial Modeling for the Social Sector | Philanthropy University | NovoEd
October 13, 2015 - December 2, 2015
This course teaches nonprofit organizations, social entrepreneurs, corporate entrepreneurs and social change leaders how to use financial modeling and creative approaches to market-based funding to scale the impact of their work. This course will be valuable for organizations of all shapes and sizes, and particularly useful for those in the early stages of development.

See MoocLab's review and rating of NovoEd


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Yes, NovoEd was started by 2 Stanford Professors, but the platform works in partnership with many university and other education partners to deliver online courses.
Philanthropy University was created in collaboration with the Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley, and now partners with NovoEd to deliver their online courses.
Hope that helps :)


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Whether this is your first course or you’re a seasoned online learner, check out these ten new courses starting soon on edX.

Social Learning for Social Impact – McGillX – September 16, 2015

Have you ever asked yourself what you can do to impact our society? Maybe you have an idea for a social initiative but don’t know where to start, or maybe you’re interested in changing this out of balance world. There are so many ways to get involved and in this global GROOC, the first MOOC for groups, we’ll engage in social learning with others who want to make a social impact. Enroll today to create a better world tomorrow.

Basic Steps in Magnetic Resonance – EPFLx – September 14, 2015

In this science course you’ll learn the basic concepts and applications of magnetic resonance as it relates to biology, chemistry and physics, which will help you get a better understanding of the world around us. Enroll here to study concepts such as how an MRI works and how to figure out the structure of a newly discovered natural product extracted from plants or algae.

Chinese Thought: Ancient Wisdom Meets Modern Science – Part 1 – UBCx – September 14, 2015

This upcoming Chinese Thought course is designed to give students an introduction to early Chinese thought and its modern day implications. We’ll explore concepts including philosophy, religion and science. Specific topics such as Shang and Zhou religious thoughts, the Analects of Confucius, the Daodejing, Mozi, Guodian and the mid Warring States period will be covered in part one. Enroll now.

Introduction to XAML and Application Development – Microsoft – September 14, 2015

Enroll in this hands-on programming course from Microsoft to learn the basic XAML skills you’ll need to start creating Windows applications. Developing XAML markup and C# code using Visual Studio 2015 will allow you to solidify your programming skills and learn tasks essential to developing applications for the Universal Windows Platform.

AP® Environmental Science – Part 1: The Living World – RiceX – September 15, 2015

If you are taking for the AP® Environmental Science exam, enroll in this hands-on prep course to learn about the living world, environmental issues and evolution. You’ll hear lectures from AP® Environmental Science teachers and test your knowledge by practicing questions similar to what you’ll see on the exam.

Astrophysics: Exploring Exoplanets – ANUx – September 15, 2015

One of the greatest revelations of modern astrophysics is the discovery of exoplanets – planets around other stars. Enroll in this introductory astrophysics course if you are interested in learning methods used to find and study exoplanets and want a deeper understanding of these mysteries.

Epidemics – HKUx – September 15, 2015

Since the beginning of time, we’ve experienced several major global health threats and outbreaks. In this health and safety course, you’ll learn about the origins of novel pathogens, analysis of the spread of infectious diseases, countermeasures to prevent and control epidemics, and hear panel discussions among leading health experts. Enroll now.

Introduction to Urology – Klx – September 15, 2015

Enrolling in this introductory Urology course will give you a basic understanding of the clinical sciences of diseases within the genitourinary systems of males and females. You’ll learn that Urology is far more than a surgical specialty, as it includes numerous new and common non-surgical and pharmacotherapeutic alternatives.

Learn Spanish: Basic Spanish for English Speakers – UPValenciaX – September 15, 2015

Are you interested in learning to speak Spanish? Then this Spanish language course is for you. Enroll today to learn basic skills such as how to introduce yourself and have a brief conversation in Spanish. This hands-on Spanish course designed for English speakers allows students to monitor their progress by taking performance tests and a final exam.

International Law – LouvainX – September 17, 2015

What is international law and what role does it play today’s world? As our global society becomes more interdependent and complex, international law is increasingly important. In this new law course you’ll learn concepts such as how international is made and how it is applied. Enroll now.

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