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Courses Learn How to Succeed at Job Interviews with these Free Online Courses


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Sadly, many people have lost their jobs as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic which also means competition will be high to land a new job. A successful interview will be essential for you to lock in a job offer, and you will want to perform at your best during this important meeting.

Below is a list of free online courses delivered by top universities which will set you on the right path to ace your job interview. You will be able to access all the courses listed for free. Some courses offer a course certificate for a small fee. For further information, see our guide How to study MOOCs for free

Interview Research and Preparation
The University of Maryland via Coursera
This course, the first in the "Interviewing and Resume Writing in English" specialization, guides you to discover the interests, talents and competencies that you can use to find and do work that leverages your strengths, passions and who you are as a person, so you can start doing work that matters to you and to the world.
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Successful Interviewing
The University of Maryland via Coursera
The goal of hiring managers is not just to hire people who need a job. It’s to hire people who believe in their organization, its mission and the work that’s involved in the job position. Every hiring manager knows: Hire people to do a job and they’ll work for your money. Hire people who believe in the work and they’ll work for their passion.
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Advanced Interviewing Techniques
The University of Maryland via Coursera
People interviewing for jobs today often fail because they are using yesterday's strategies. Recruiting technology has become more sophisticated, and the best employers are constantly changing the way interviews are done. This course gives you detailed strategies for handling tough competency-based, or behavioral, interviews so that you can communicate the knowledge, skills, and abilities that you have and that employers demand.
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Writing Winning Resumes and Cover Letters
The University of Maryland via Coursera
How can you bring your resume to the top of the pile? How can you present yourself to prospective employers using the language they already speak inside their organization? This course will give you answers to those questions. You will learn how to convert a boring resume into a dynamic asset statement that conveys your talents in the language that an employer understands.
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How to Succeed at: Interviews
The University of Sheffield via FutureLearn
Being offered an interview is exciting but can be quite daunting. On this course, our experts from The Careers Service here at The University of Sheffield will make sure you are prepared for the big day.
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Lesson | Get Ready for the Interview
Georgia Institute of Technology via Coursera
This lesson is part of a full course, Speak English Professionally: In Person, Online & On the Phone. Take this lesson to get a short tutorial on the learning objectives covered. To dive deeper into this topic, take the full course. By the end of this lesson, you will be able to: - Practice and prepare yourself for an interview - Examine appropriate body language for interviews
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English@Work: Basic Job Interview Skills
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University via edX
Based on advice from accomplished professionals in the business, HR and academic field, we have created a course that helps you build a solid foundation to succeed in job interviews and get that ultimate call. This course will change the way you prepare for and perform in job interviews.
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English@Work: Advanced Job Interview Skills
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University via edX
Once you have successfully grasped the foundation of interview success by completing our English@Work: Basic Job Interview Skillscourse, how you persuade others to believe that you are as good as you say you are is now the challenge. Our instructors have had a 100% success rate in getting interviews and landing a job, and we hope to share that experience with you.
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Mastering the Software Engineering Interview
University of California San Diego via Coursera
With the support of Google’s recruiting and engineering teams we’ve provided tips, examples, and practice opportunities in this course that may help you with a number of tech companies. We’ll assist you to organize into teams to practice. Lastly, we’ll give you basic job search advice, and tips for succeeding once you’re on the job.
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