study buddy

  1. Carolyn

    How good is the Study Buddy tool?

    We'd like to know how we're doing with our "Find a Study Buddy" tool. Please fill out this quick survey to help us improve. It will only take a minute of your time ... Click here Thank you :D
  2. Carolyn

    7 Reasons to have a Study Buddy

    7 Reasons to have a Study Buddy Studying in partnership with a Study buddy is a great way to share out the workload, save time, gain new perspectives and stay motivated. Much research has demonstrated that those who learn together in small groups tend to have a better success rate than those...
  3. Carolyn

    Study Buddy Tips on finding your ideal Study Buddy on MoocLab

    MoocLab has hundreds of Study Buddy Members all looking to find their perfect online study partner. Here are some tips on finding yours: Make sure your profile is complete - By giving detailed information about yourself in your profile, other members will be able to see at a glance if you...
  4. Carolyn

    Study Buddy How to work best with an Online Study Buddy

    Studying in partnership with a Study buddy is a great way to share out the workload, save time, gain new perspectives and stay motivated. Much research has demonstrated that those who learn together in small groups tend to have a better success rate than those who study alone. And this is...
  5. P

    Study Buddy Study Buddy for more than 3hours ... anyone can stay but preference (computer science) :)

    Hello People, I am Pranav .. I need a study buddy to keep up with me and study for more than three ours.. I am studying on computer science related subjects : C++ and Data structure and Maths. People in general can also join me.. as i said stick to studies with me for more than three ours.. if...
  6. Carolyn

    Study Buddy Become a Tutor on MoocLab!

    Most people who visit MoocLab are learners of some sort. And people who are learning new skills are likely to get stuck at some point. The problem with learning in an online environment is that it can be difficult to get help when you need it. This is where YOU could come in. If you consider...
  7. Carolyn

    Using Online Study Groups to enhance and share your learning

    Having a Study Buddy can enhance your learning, motivation, and problem solving, and can provide you with the necessary support. This is particularly true with online courses as a Study Buddy will ease feelings of isolation and frustration commonly associated with online study. Once you have...
  8. Carolyn

    Study Buddy What are the benefits of having a study buddy?

    Now that we have our Find a Study Buddy tool up and running, it would be great to hear your personal experiences of studying with a study partner remotely. What challenges did you face? Did the experience improve your learning? If so, how? Did you complete the course? Would you recommend having...
  9. Carolyn

    7 Reasons to have a Study Buddy

    A great way to increase your chances of succeeding on an online course is to find a suitable Study Buddy. This is a list of reasons why having a study partner can benefit you. 1. Two Heads are better than one Having a Study Buddy can make learning easier and more fun. You will be studying the...
  10. Carolyn

    Resource 7 Reasons to have a Study Buddy

    MoocLab submitted a new resource: 7 Reasons to have a Study Buddy - List of reasons why having a study partner can benefit you. Read more about this resource...