- Content & Instruction
4.00 star(s)
- Depth
3.00 star(s)
- Materials
3.00 star(s)
- Assessment
1.00 star(s)
- Fun Factor
3.00 star(s)
- Accreditation
1.00 star(s)
- Engagement
1.00 star(s)
- Workload
4.00 star(s)
- Practicality
3.00 star(s)
: Beginner-friendly
Delivered in digestible chunks
Clear concise video lectures
30 day money back guarantee
: Only covers the basics
No social interaction tools
No learn by doing
No integrated code console
No certification
Coder Vox's How to Become a Programmer is a great course for those who want to learn the basics of programming for the web and gain a clear picture of what programming is all about. However, if you're looking for a more interactive learn-by-doing course, this probably isn't for you.