JosepRamon Badia
Active Member

The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, UAB (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), has welcomed today the conference "Hacking the CAT MOOCs'15" organized by the Generalitat de Catalunya to discuss courses and massive open online, known by its acronym as MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses ) and present the UCATx program.
At the conference held at the UAB it presented the UCATx platform, bringing together supply MOOC offered by the Catalan university system, has valued the experiences of the first courses, has reflected on the impact of and have MOOC imparted training workshops.
The rector of the UAB, Ferran Sancho, and the general director of Universities, Lluís Jofre, inaugurated the day. Jofre has stressed that the objective that the government has set, through the Ministry of Universities and Research, is to "reach 100 courses with a total of 2 million registered". To achieve this goal an offer MOOC belonging to the Catalan university system will be structured, internationally oriented formulas and new teachers will be promoted to enrich online learning formats. They have also announced support units to universities to design digital content and courses are created. Looking ahead, and as international trends portend, CEO pointed out that universities will have to make joint MOOC deals with foreign universities.
[Read full news by clicking this link: Original version CAT català]

UCATx, developed in the edX environment, is presented as the reference search MOOC supply from the Catalan university ecosystem, and the banner of e-learning as a paradigm of a new training model adapted to the times and the power of new technologies.
As a government and the presence of the university fabric of the Principat initiative is expected to become fruitful, complete, useful and with a horizon of growth and leadership of prestige.
From these lines we welcome the first Catalan MOOC initiative in our universe.
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