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Top Ten New Online Courses Launched in June 2019 on Coursera


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Discover the 10 top ranked courses launched on Coursera in June 2019 - all available to enroll in now

1. Predictive Analytics and Data Mining [Business | Leadership and Management]
By University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Free Audit Option | Intermediate Level | Approx. 11 hours to complete | Suggested: 4-6 hours/week | Language: English | Subtitles: English
This course introduces students to the science of business analytics while casting a keen eye toward the artful use of numbers found in the digital space. The goal is to provide businesses and managers with the foundation needed to apply data analytics to real-world challenges they confront daily in their professional lives.
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2. Essentials in Clinical Simulations Across the Health Professions [Healthcare Management]
By The George Washington University
Free Audit Option | Intermediate Level | 7 weeks | Language: English | Subtitles: English
This 7-week course provides you with key strategies to help understand the foundation of Clinical Simulations. During each module, you will learn about 7 key components of Clinical Simulation Across the Health Professions and its' impact in your current position as a healthcare professional.
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3. Preparing for the Google Cloud Associate Cloud Engineer Exam [Cloud Computing]
By Google Cloud
Free Audit Option | Beginner Level | Approx. 27 hours to complete | Suggested: 1 week of study, 8-10 hours/week | Language: English | Subtitles: English
This one-week on-demand course helps prospective candidates structure their preparation for the Associate Cloud Engineer exam. The session will cover the structure and format of the examination, as well as its relationship to other Google Cloud certifications. Through lectures, demos and hands-on labs, candidates will familiarize themselves with the domains covered by the examination.
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4. Driving business towards the Sustainable Development Goals [Business]
By Erasmus University Rotterdam
Free Audit Option | Beginner Level | Approx. 20 hours to complete | Language: English | Subtitles: English
This course has been developed by Rotterdam School of Management at Erasmus University (RSM). It focuses on the role of businesses in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). You will gain insights from leaders of international companies and academics in business and management who will guide you through the issue of how businesses can contribute to the SDGs.
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5. Modern Big Data Analysis with SQL Specialization [Data Science | Data Analysis]
By Cloudera
7 day free trial | Beginner Level | Approx. 3 months to complete | Suggested 8 hours/week | Language: English | Subtitles: English
Maybe you are new to SQL and you want to learn the basics. Or maybe you already have some experience using SQL to query smaller-scale data with relational databases. Either way, if you are interested in gaining the skills necessary to query big data with modern distributed SQL engines, this Specialization is for you.
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6. Estadística y probabilidad [Math and Logic]
By Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Free Audit Option | Beginner Level | Approx. 14 hours to complete | Suggested: 7 hours/week | Language: Spanish | Subtitles: Spanish
En este curso podrás apoyar tu formación en temas de estadística y probabilidad I. Más allá de que encuentres aquí un apoyo para lograr una calificación, el curso busca ayudarte a que adquieras los aprendizajes que comprenden temas de estadística descriptiva, datos bivariados y probabilidad, los cuales te serán de utilidad en tu paso por la licenciatura y en tu vida profesional.
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7. Solar Energy Basics [Environmental Science and Sustainability]
By The State University of New York
Free Audit Option | Beginner Level | Language: English | Subtitles: English
This course gives you an introduction to the fundamentals of solar power as it applies to solar panel system installations. You will learn to compare solar energy to other energy resources and explain how solar panels, or photovoltaics (PV for short), convert sunlight to electricity.
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8. Atención prehospitalaria del ictus agudo y selección de pacientes para tratamiento endovascular con la escala RACE [Health | Patient Care]
By Universitat de Barcelona
Free Audit Option | Intermediate Level | Approx. 8 hours to complete | Suggested: 4 semanas de estudio, entre 3 y 4 horas por semana | Language: Spanish | Subtitles: Spanish
El ictus es una emergencia médica tiempo dependiente. En el ictus isquémico agudo, el primer objetivo es conseguir restablecer el flujo cerebral mediante tratamiento trombolítico con rTPA endovenoso o, en caso de oclusión de gran vaso cerebral, mediante tratamiento endovascular. En el ictus hemorrágico existen también tratamientos específicos que pueden mejorar su pronóstico.
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9. IA para todos [Business Strategy]
By deeplearning.ai
Free Audit Option | Beginner Level | Approx. 11 hours to complete | Suggested: 4 weeks of study, 2-3 hours/week | Language: English | Subtitles: English, Spanish
La IA no es solo para ingenieros. Si desea que su organización esté mejor preparada en el uso de la IA, este es el curso que todos deberían hacer, especialmente sus colegas no técnicos.
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10. Introduction to Blockchain: Evolution and Technology Concepts [Information Technology | Security]
By Association of International Certified Professional Accountants
Free Audit Option | Beginner Level | Approx. 9 hours to complete | Suggested: 11 hours/week | Language: English | Subtitles: English
Starting with a focus on the history and evolution of blockchain and bitcoin and then on to the characteristics of bitcoin, you will get a refresher on the fundamentals of money/currency and learn how bitcoin fits into the global business landscape. This course also demonstrates the unique characteristics of blockchain and bitcoin, so accounting and finance professionals will be able to have meaningful and relevant conversations with internal and external clients.
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