Are you interested in turning your verified certificates into a University Degree?

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Moons, The Open University

Exploring English: Language and Culture, British Council

Academic Integrity: Values, Skills, Action, The University of Auckland

Ebola: Symptoms, History and Origins, Lancaster University

Shale Gas and Fracking: the Politics and Science, The University of Nottingham

Explore Filmmaking: from Script to Screen, National Film and Television School, and BFI Academy

The Secret Power of Brands, University of East Anglia

World War 1: Aviation Comes of Age, University of Birmingham

Muslims in Britain: Changes and Challenges, Cardiff University

How to Succeed at: Writing Applications, The University of Sheffield

Our Hungry Planet: Agriculture, People and Food Security, University of Reading


Active Member
Well - I may be crazy but I am going to try three of these. I was already enrolled in Introduction to Clinical Neurology and Coding the Matrix: Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications. Thanks for this post because now I am also going to try Understanding the Brain: The Neurobiology of Everyday Life. I made a previous attempt at Clinical Neurology a year ago, I have to say that it was a very tough course for me. I've learned a lot in the last year, so maybe I can make it through this time.


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That's pretty impressive @brewbooks ! I hope you don't mind if I ask what your intentions are in taking these courses - are they a means to an end or is it just for personal interest?


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That's pretty impressive @brewbooks ! I hope you don't mind if I ask what your intentions are in taking these courses - are they a means to an end or is it just for personal interest?
BMint - Thanks. My long-term goal is to help develop brain-machine interfaces that can help people have an independent life. In the short-term, I hope to go to graduate school to do research in brain-machine interfaces. My top choices are University of Washington or Duke University.


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Introduction to the Music Business
Learn the fundamentals of the music business, for now and the future.
Starts: February 2, 2015

Enroll Today


Vocal Recording Technology
From producer Prince Charles Alexander, gain insight into the voice, recording environment, microphones...
Starts: February 2, 2015

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The Challenges of Global Poverty
Are the poor always hungry? How do we make schools work for poor citizens? Is microfinance invaluable or overrated?
Starts: February 3, 2015

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From Nobel Prize Winner Brian Cox, explore the origin, fate and nature of our universe.
Starts: February 3, 2015

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Intro to Environmental ScienceDartmouthX
Learn the skills necessary to address the environmental issues we are facing today and the future.
Starts: February 3, 2015

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International Human Rights
Evaluate human rights in the context of the fight against terrorism. What's the role of religious freedom in society?
Starts: February 3, 2015

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Introduction to Global Hospitality Management
Explore new opportunities and innovations in a fast-growing industry.
Starts: February 3, 2015

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English Grammar and Essay Writing
UC BerkeleyX
Improve your English grammar, essay and persuasive writing with this course in partnership with the US State Deparment.
Starts: February 3, 2015

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MOOC Report: 278 free online courses starting in February 2015 »

MOOC Report is a monthly column published by Class Central at the beginning of each month. It aims to provide a comprehensive list of courses starting that month.

Self paced courses are not included in the report, but can be found at Class Central.

See the list of 278 courses

Ten most popular MOOCs starting in February, 2015
  1. ColWri.2.2x: English Grammar and Essay Writing
  2. 6.041x: Introduction to Probability - The Science of Uncertainty
  3. Exploring English: Language and Culture
  4. Design Thinking for Business Innovation
  5. Understanding the Brain: The Neurobiology of Everyday Life
  6. Software Security
  7. Beginning Game Programming with C#
  8. Introduction to Clinical Neurology
  9. 21W.789x: Building Mobile Experiences
  10. Coding the Matrix: Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications


Ten Things Every Engineer Should Know About Materials Science
Explore the mechanical and electrical properties of materials used in engineering. »

3D Printing for Business
Learn how to leverage 3D printing to innovate your business! »

Recent Articles

MOOCWatch Jan 2015: Online Courses Raise Their Game »

List of 129 new courses added in January 2015 »

Learn about Solution-based Journalism with Daniel Heimpel »

Why are We so Afraid of the Ebola Virus? »

Udacity Launches New Nanodegree »

Moving Energy Policy Forward or Sideways? The Shale Gas Fracking Debate »

Expert Reviews

The Science of Happiness, offered by Berkeley on edX »

Mining Massive Datasets, offered by Stanford on Coursera »

Solution and Innovation Skills from Leuphana University »


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Enrollment is now open for 4 Nanodegree programs, including two that are brand new: Intro to Programming & Full Stack Web Dev!

Front-End Web Developer
after 1 week free trial. What you get
Intermediate / 6–9 months / Minimum 10hrs/week / Work on your own schedule.
Job(s) this Nanodegree leads to
Front-End Web Developer

Full Stack Web Developer
after 1 week free trial. What you get
Intermediate / 6–9 months / Minimum 10hrs/week / Work on your own schedule.
Job(s) this Nanodegree leads to
Full Stack Web Developer, Back-End Web Developer

Data Analyst
after 1 week free trial. What you get
Intermediate / 6–9 months / Minimum 10hrs/week / Work on your own schedule.
Job(s) this Nanodegree leads to
Data Analyst, Junior Data Scientist

iOS Developer
after 1 week free trial. What you get
Intermediate / 6–9 months / Minimum 10hrs/week / Work on your own schedule.
Job(s) this Nanodegree leads to
iOS Developer


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If you haven't had a chance to take Inspiring Leadership through Emotional Intelligence via COURSERA, I'd highly recommend it! A great course that really opens your eyes to how you react and deal with situations. The work can be fairly intensive, some peer grading, a lot of talking in the chat rooms (in my cohort there were mandatory chats to participate in, would expect it to be the same). Richard Boyatiz is phenomenal. Very worthwhile!


Active Member
If you want to write code for iOS or OS X, take a course in Swift. Udacity is currently offering such a course. I haven't tried it myself, but it looks really interesting!


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Election 2015 for AS Level Politics

This three-week course from the University of Leeds is designed for AS Level Politics students.

It’ll help you prepare for your exams, by understanding how political concepts impact on real-life politics in the 2015 UK General Election.

Find out more and join the course – it starts 9 March.

Inequalities in Personal Finance: the Baby Boom Legacy
In many developed countries, there are rising concerns about generational and economic inequalities.

This four-week course from The Open University explores the key issues, asking whether the baby boomer generation really had it all and how we can create a fair deal for everyone.

Find out more and join the course – it starts 23 March.

From State Control to Remote Control: Warfare in the 21st Century
Drones, special ops units and private security firms are increasingly used around the world.

This six-week course from the University of Bath explores the ethics and impact of this phenomenon, including how remote control warfare is seen by those at its receiving end.

Find out more and join the course – it starts 13 April.

Religion and Conflict
Understand and analyze the role of religion in conflicts and peacebuilding, with this free online course from the University of Groningen.

Over six weeks, you’ll acquire the knowledge and analytical skills to develop critical insights into one of the world’s most urgent issues today.

Find out more and join the course – it starts 13 April.

Big Data: Measuring and Predicting Human Behaviour
Discover how the vast amounts of data generated today can help us understand and even predict how humans behave.

This University of Warwick course lasts nine weeks. It’ll help you unlock the power of datasets across domains including economics, crime and health.

Find out more and join the course – it starts 20 April.

Dyslexia and Foreign Language Teaching
This University of Lancaster course offers practical tools and theoretical insights, to help you teach dyslexic students second languages.

Lasting four weeks, it’s designed for both modern language teachers and those who teach English as a foreign language.

Find out more and join the course – it starts 20 April.

The Holocaust: an Introduction – Parts 1 & 2
These two courses from Tel Aviv University and Yad Vashem depict the complex history of the Holocaust, highlighting its impact on our world today.

Each course lasts three weeks. Together, they’ll take you from the emergence of Nazi ideology, through Jewish ghettos and the infamous concentration camps, to the massive memorial projects undertaken today.

Part 1 starts 20 April and Part 2 starts 11 May.




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Learn by Building 15 Real World Apps


OS App Development from scratch in 6 weeks - build full apps including Instagram and Snapchat Clones. With free Ebook
From the creator of The Complete Web Developer Course (the most popular and best reviewed course on Udemy ever), comes The Complete iOS8 and Swift Course: Learn by Building 15 Real World Apps.
Looking to boost your income as an app developer? Or maybe you’re seeking a career change that gives you more free time and flexibility?

The Complete iOS8 and Swift Course is THE most comprehensive, cost-effective and career-enhancing mobile app development course you’ll find on the web – or your money back.

It’s a one-stop-shop for everything you need to start creating professional mobile apps that engage users, call them to action, and ultimately make you money!

Not only that but you’ll get unlimited web hosting for one year (worth $200), and a copy of my ebook How To Earn $10,000 While Learning To Code, rated 5-Stars on Amazon. AND you'll get over 1,000 graphical assets (backgrounds, icons, buttons etc), worth $300, to use in your apps.

Learn More


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Vocal Recording Technology — BerkleeX — February 2, 2015
Take your recordings to the next level with Vocal Recording Technology from The Berklee College of Music and Producer Prince Charles Alexander. Learn about the voice itself, recording environments, human perception and more from a Grammy winning producer who's worked with artists like Mary J. Blige, Destiny's Child, P. Diddy, the Notorious B.I.G., Usher, Boyz II Men, Sting, Aretha Franklin, and others. Enroll today.

Introduction to the Music Business — BerkleeX — February 2, 2015
Are you looking to get into the music industry? Are you an artist who wants to learn the business side of music? From the world renowned Berklee College of Music, learn about the present and future of the music industry, from the traditional label and artist model to pirated music and subscription services. Enroll today.

"Frankenstein; Or, The Modern Prometheus" by Shelley — BerkeleyX Book Club — February 2, 2015
This course will explore Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley’s 1818 horror classic, Frankenstein; Or, The Modern Prometheus. Frankenstein is a representation of both the Gothic and Romantic movements, and is often considered to be one of the earliest novels of science fiction as well. This story has had a huge influence on literature and popular culture. Enroll today.

How Stuff Moves, Part 1: Linear Motion — HarveyMuddX — February 2, 2015
Why does an object in motion stay in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force? Learn the basics of how things move in this course from Harvey Mudd College and explore the concepts of momentum, force and energy from a practical, problem solving perspective. Enroll today.

Building Mobile Experiences — MITx — February 2, 2015
Mobile phones have dramatically changed how we communicate with others. Mobile experiences must work in the context of our daily lives, not just at a desk. Learn strategies, tactics and tools to develop truly mobile experiences that fit seamlessly into the lives of users. Enroll today.

Programming in Scratch — HarveyMuddX —February 2, 2015
Want to learn the fundamentals of programming? Create your own projects, games, animations, art, music and more using this simple programming language. Programming in Scratch is great for children or adults, and anyone who wants to learn the building blocks of computer science. Enroll today.

Library Advocacy Unshushed — University of TorontoX — February 2, 2015
Do libraries still matter in the digital age? Learn why these venerable institutions are paramount to our lives, our learning, our economy, our democracy and our future from the University of Toronto. Featuring guest lecturers from schools across North America, this course will teach you the strategies and tactics to successfully advocate for the importance of libraries for our neighborhoods and communities. Enroll today.

Cosmology — ANUx— February 3, 2015
Where did the universe come from? How big is it? What made the Big Bang, go bang! Will the universe end with a whimper or an explosion? Or will it last forever? Cosmology is the study of the universe. Guest lecturers Brian Cox and Lawrence Krauss will join Paul Francis and Nobel Prize Winner Brian Schmidt in this course from Australian National University that literally covers "everything". Enroll today.

The Challenges of Global Poverty — MITx — February 3, 2015
It's time to start rethinking global poverty. More that 1/3 of the world's population lives on less than $2 a day. That's almost 2.5 billion people. Learn why the poor make the choices they make and what can be done to improve their lives in this powerful, eye-opening and very personal course from MIT. Enroll today.

Introduction to Environmental Science — DartmouthX — February 3, 2015
How do 7.2 billion people impact the environment? Identify which environmental problems are real and which are blown out of proportion. Discover what individuals, corporations and governments can do to reduce environmental harm. Learn the fundamentals of Environmental Science and gain an understanding of soils, fossil fuels, renewable energy, biodiversity and global change. Enroll today.


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Networks, Crowds, and Markets - CornellX - February 16, 2015
Every part of modern life is interwoven through vast, complex networks. How can we develop a nuanced understanding of these connections? This course explores this interconnectedness through discussions of game theory, the structure of the Internet, social contagion, the spread of social power and popularity, and information cascades. Enroll today.

Introduction to Linear Models and Matrix Algebra - HarvardX - February 16, 2015
Dive into the basics of linear models to better understand data analysis in the life sciences. Practice linear algebra, including matrix notation and the concept of projections, which underlies many of the current tools for analyzing large-dimensional data, to understand the challenges of data science today. Enroll today.

Cellular Mechanisms of Brain Function - EPFLx - February 16, 2015
The brain governs behavior, and this course aims to link biophysical mechanisms with simple behaviors studied in mice. Gain an understanding of the structure and function of the mammalian brain, understand neuronal networks, and place neuronal network function in the context of sensory processing resulting in behavioral decisions and motor output. Enroll today.

Essential Human Biology: Cells and Tissues - AdelaideX - February 17, 2015
Have you ever wondered why our heart beats, or how we see what is in front of us? Our bodies are amazing but complex biological machines. Whether you are interested in a career in science, or simply hoping to learn more about the inner workings of the human body, this course will provide you with an outstanding foundation of knowledge in human anatomy and physiology. Enroll today.

Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trials in Health Care - KIx - February 17, 2015
For the first hundreds of years of modern medicine, progress was a process of trial and sometimes fatal error, leading to the common practice of randomized controlled trials. In this course, you will discuss the effectiveness of these trials, and design your own attempting to answer the important questions that ordinary patients and decision-makers in the real world most often ask. Enroll today.

DOCUMENTARY! New Trends, New Formats - UC3Mx - February 17, 2015
The documentary is reinventing itself over the Internet, and the world has become a huge documentary as we share our views and experiences through social networks. Offered in English and Spanish, this course plunges into the language of the audiovisual documentary and demonstrates how new technologies allow us to interact with content. Enroll today.

Inclusive Leadership Training: Becoming a Successful Leader - CatalystX - February 18, 2015
What separates a successful leader from a mediocre one? Innovative workplaces are created by inclusive leaders. Learn fundamental principles of 21st century leadership, grasp key concepts to overcome roadblocks to inclusion, and discover unconscious challenges you and others face every day. Enroll today.

Advanced Spanish Language and Culture - St. Margaret's Episcopal School - February 19, 2015
Explore authentic, multifaceted resources from audiovisual elements to newspaper articles to engage in a rich, diverse immersion into Spanish Language and Culture. This course is taught exclusively in Spanish and helps learners improve their proficiency across the three modes of communication: Interpretive, Interpersonal and Presentational. Enroll today.


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Introduction to Robotics

Provider: EdCast
Next session: Feb 15

Begin Programming: Build Your First Mobile Game
Provider: FutureLearn

Next session: Feb 16

From International Relations to Global Politics
Provider: Iversity
Next session: Feb 16

Introduction to Linear Models and Matrix Algebra
Provider: edX

Next session: Feb 16

Market Analysis at the Bottom of the Pyramid
Provider: +Acumen

Next session: Feb 17

Philosophy and Film
Provider: Canvas Network

Next session: Feb 23

Understanding the Brain: The Neurobiology of Everyday Life
Provider: Coursera

Next session: Feb 23

Digital Transformation and Its Impact
Provider: openSAP
Next session: Feb 24



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The American Dream for the Next Generation MITx
Enroll Today

Introduction to Aerospace Engineering: Astronautics & Human Spaceflight MITx
Enroll Today


Journalism for Social Change UC BerkeleyX
Enroll Today

Poetry in America: Emily Dickinson HarvardX
Enroll Today


The Analytics Edge MITx
Enroll Today

Religion and Hip Hop Culture RiceX
Enroll Today

Other EdX Courses starting in March


Death 101: Shaping the Future of Global Health
University of TorontoX
To help the living, study the dead: analyze the world’s biggest health problems...
March 2, 2015
Enroll Today


Computation Structures - Part 1: Digital Circuits
A hands-on introduction to the design and implementation of digital systems.
March 3, 2015
Enroll Today


Incarceration's Witnesses: American Prison Writing
What is needed to make the U.S. prison a more socially constructive institution.
March 2, 2015
Enroll Today


Introduction to Computational Thinking and Data Science
An introduction to using computation to understand real-world phenomena.
March 4, 2015
Enroll Today


Electricity & Magnetism, Part 2
An introduction to the magnetic field, how it is created by currents and magnetic materials.
March 10, 2015
Enroll Today

View All Courses


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Global Blindness: Planning and Managing Eye Care Services

This six-week course from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine will help you understand global blindness and how to plan effective eye care.
Find out more and join the course – it starts 27 April

Contract Management: Building Relationships in Business

This free online course from the University of Southampton is backed by UK government and the International Association of Commercial and Contract Management (IACCM).
Find out more and join the course – it starts 27 April

Understanding IELTS: Techniques for English Language Tests
IELTS (International English Language Testing System) is the world’s most popular English language test for higher education and global migration, accepted by over 9,000 organisations worldwide.
Find out more and join the course – it starts 11 May

Propaganda and Ideology in Everyday Life

This five-week course explores how propaganda is used to instil political ideologies and its impact on our daily lives.
Find out more and join the course – it starts 11 May

Managing My Investments

Learn about different investment choices, the returns and risks associated with each, and the evidence about their historical performance, with this Open University course.
Find out more and join the course – it starts 11 May

What is a Mind?

This six-week course from the University of Cape Town examines the most pertinent scientific and philosophical concepts for understanding our own minds.
Find out more and join the course – it starts 11 May
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