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Meet edX's Newest Programs: Game Development and Mobile Apps


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CS50, edX's most popular course ever, is now part of two new Professional Certificate programs: Game Development and Mobile Apps. Both programs include CS50’s Introduction to Computer Science, which provides a broad and robust introduction to the field and the art of programming, before diving into either game design or app development.

CS50: Computer Science Courses and Programs from Harvard

Introduction to Computer Science from Harvard, better known as CS50, is the largest course on the Harvard campus and more than 2,000,000 learners worldwide have registered for the course on edX.

edX offer a series of introductory CS50 courses and Professional Certificate programs from Harvard that are open to learners of all backgrounds looking to explore computer science, mobile app and game development, business technologies, and the art of programming.

CS50 Professional Certificate Programs
Learn programming fundamentals and establish an in-depth understanding of game development and design.
Average Length: 11 weeks per course | Effort: 8-16 hours per week, per course | 2 Courses in Program
An introduction to the intellectual enterprise of computer science and the art of mobile app development.
Average Length: 13 weeks per course | Effort: 8-16 hours per week, per course | 2 Courses in Program

CS50 Courses
CS50's Web Programming with Python and JavaScript
This course picks up where CS50 leaves off, diving more deeply into the design and implementation of web apps with Python, JavaScript, and SQL using frameworks like Flask, Django, and Bootstrap.

CS50's Understanding Technology
This is CS50’s introduction to technology for students who don’t (yet!) consider themselves computer persons.

CS50's Mobile App Development with React Native
Learn about mobile app development with React Native, a popular framework maintained by Facebook that enables cross-platform native apps using JavaScript without Java or Swift.

CS50's Computer Science for Business Professionals
This is CS50’s introduction to computer science for business professionals.

CS50's Introduction to Game Development
Learn about the development of 2D and 3D interactive games in this hands-on course, as you explore the design of games such as Super Mario Bros., Pokémon, Angry Birds, and more.

CS50's Introduction to Computer Science
An introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming.

For more Computer Science MOOCs, visit MoocLab's MOOC Directory.