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Learn the truth about food and nutrition


Active Member
There is an overload of information about nutrition and health, but what is the truth and what can you do to improve your health by eating right? Wageningen University & Research has published several nutritional science courses on edX.org that will help you realize how your diet profoundly impacts your health.

New Professional Certificate programme on Food, Nutrition and Health
The Professional Certificate programme is taught by prof. Sander Kersten, a leading global expert in the field of nutrition. He shows participants how to analyse and interpret the information overload about nutrition and health to help build a healthier lifestyle for you and/or your patients. You will learn how to distinguish misinformation about food as you discover what is complete nonsense, what has a scientific basis and where the truth is somewhere in between.

The programme consists of two nutrition courses, both available online and free to join. For a certificate upon completion of the course, you pay $99 per course. The two courses in the programme arr:

  1. Nutrition and Health: Macronutrients and Overnutrition
  2. Nutrition and Health: Micronutrients and Malnutrition

This programme is especially useful for health care professionals (such as dieticians, GP’s and nurses) who are looking to update their knowledge and skills about nutrition and people working in the food industry with a non-nutrition background (such as food technology, legal, marketing, HR and communication staff). Professionals working in the food industry with a non-nutrition background will also benefit by gaining a better understanding of foods and nutrients and how they can impact our health. This is very useful in designing new foods and new health claims and will allow for better communication with nutritionists and food scientists within and outside the company.

Other online nutrition science courses
Learning about micro- and macronutrients gives you a solid basis in nutritional sciences. But for those who wish to explore related scientific areas there are two interesting courses available:

  • Food risks: Learn about the effects of food processing, the shared responsibility in the food chain and the prevention of food poisoning/intoxication
  • Human Microbiome: Learn how you can impact your health by balancing your gut health; how your microbiome together with your diet can improve normal gut function.
Both courses are available online on edx.org and are free to join (a certificate upon completion costs $49). The courses are open as self-paced, meaning you can join and learn at any time that is convenient for you.

We're also currently developing two brand new courses related to nutrition sciences. The first one is about the relation between nutrition and cancer. The second one is about the relation between nutrition and cardio metabolic diseases (like cardiovascular diseases and diabetes). These courses are expected to be announced in spring 2018 on edx.org.

Take it to the next level with an online Master’s degree in Nutrition and Health
Are you interested in pursuing a degree in nutrition and health? The online Master Nutritional Epidemiology and Public Health allows you to study the relationships between dietary intake, nutritional status and health outcomes. The programme is online and part-time, allowing to combine career or family life with studying.

About the author
My name is Suzanne de Bruijn and I work at Wageningen University & Research. We are creating an education portfolio that aims that we change from a campus based university to a university where online and offline course facilities will be integrated in one coherent learning ecosystem: Campus students will be able to mix online and face2face courses to reflect their ambition, professional learners can choose academic courses fitting their needs and bundle them to meaningful credentials or degrees. Such a system is not easily built. It asks for big investments in open and online education and shifts in current rules and regulations. At the same time a constant reflection how the market - students and professional learners - takes up the new opportunities needs to take place. With several open and online courses on nutrition, together with a broad on campus offer on this topics, we are taking the first steps towards a true educational ecosystem.
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