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Courses Free Online Courses about COVID-19


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In response to the novel Coronavirus outbreak, universities and healthcare organizations are providing the following free open online courses to teach about COVID-19.

Click on a course title to go to the course page.

Science Matters: Let's Talk About COVID-19
By Imperial College London Via Coursera
On this course, you will hear directly from our world-class experts about the theory behind the analyses of COVID-19 and its spread, while learning how to interpret new information using core principles of public health, epidemiology, medicine, health economics, and social science.

Fighting COVID-19 with Epidemiology: A Johns Hopkins Teach-Out
By Johns Hopkins University via Coursera
This free Teach-Out is for anyone who has been curious about how we identify and measure outbreaks like the COVID-19 epidemic and wants to understand the epidemiology of these infections.

Mechanical Ventilation for COVID-19
By Harvard University via edX
This course will provide licensed medical professionals with an understanding of mechanical ventilation so they can assist with the operation of mechanical ventilators during the COVID-19 pandemic.

CS472 Data science and AI for COVID-19
By Stanford University
This project class investigates and models COVID-19 using tools from data science and machine learning. We will introduce the relevant background for the biology and epidemiology of the COVID-19 virus. Then we will critically examine current models that are used to predict infection rates in the population as well as models used to support various public health interventions (e.g. herd immunity and social distancing).

Mind Control: Managing Your Mental Health During COVID-19
By University of Toronto via Coursera
The intent of this course is to give you a deeper understanding of the anxiety reaction as it relates to various aspects of our current life, ranging from our consumption of news to the way we talk to our children about this.

COVID-19: Tackling the Novel Coronavirus
By London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine via FutureLearn
What is COVID-19 and how might the outbreak affect you? Find out more about coronavirus and explore its worldwide implications.

COVID-19 Diagnostics and Testing
By London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine via FutureLearn
Get the latest recommendations on COVID-19 diagnostics and testing, and how to improve testing capacity in low-income settings.

Managing COVID-19 in General Practice
By St. George’s University via FutureLearn
Get practical advice and support around how to respond to the Novel Coronavirus pandemic as a front-line healthcare professional.

COVID-19: What You Need to Know (CME Eligible)
By Osmosis via Coursera
This course is a go-to resource that will be regularly updated with all of the current information put forth by the CDC, WHO, and other leading agencies and covers the basics, personal protective equipment, diagnostics, and other material.

COVID-19 Critical Care: Understanding and Application
By University of Edinburgh via FutureLearn
Learn the principles and practice of critical care to treat and care for critically ill patients during the COVID-19 pandemic.

COVID-19 et soins critiques
By University Paris-Est Créteil: UPEC via FUN MOOC
Dans le contexte épidémiologique actuel et l’afflux important de patients présentant une atteinte respiratoire grave liée au SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19), il est nécessaire de disposer d’outils de formation accélérée à la prise en charge de la défaillance respiratoire chez ces patients afin de rendre opérationnel un maximum de professionnels de santé. C’est tout l’objet de ce cours qui se présente sous forme d’un « mini MOOC » qui nécessite 2 heures d’investissement au maximum.

Clinical Care Severe Acute Respiratory Infection
By OpenWHO
This course includes content on clinical management of patients with a severe acute respiratory infection.

Emerging respiratory viruses, including COVID-19: methods for detection, prevention, response and control
By OpenWHO
This course provides a general introduction to COVID-19 and emerging respiratory viruses and is intended for public health professionals, incident managers and personnel working for the United Nations, international organizations and NGOs.

Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) for Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
By OpenWHO
This course provides information on what facilities should be doing to be prepared to respond to a case of an emerging respiratory virus such as the novel coronavirus, how to identify a case once it occurs, and how to properly implement IPC measures to ensure there is no further transmission to HCW or to other patients and others in the healthcare facility.

COVID-19: Operational Planning Guidelines and COVID-19 Partners Platform to support country preparedness and response
By OpenWHO
This 3-module learning package introduces the context for the need for a coordinated global response plan to the COVID-19 outbreak. It provides the required guidance to implement the Operational Planning Guidelines to Support Country Preparedness and Response.

Severe Acute Respiratory Infection (SARI) Treatment Facility Design
By OpenWHO
This course provides principles, minimum requirements and technical specifications to design and set up SARI-related facilities though short lectures and technical tutorials. It targets personnel involved in preparedness and response, including health managers and planners, architects, engineers, logistics, water and sanitation staff, clinical and nursing staff, carers and other health care providers, and health promoters.

COVID-19: Comunicarnos sin daño durante la pandemia
By The Pontificia Universidad Javeriana via edX
El comunicador y todos los medios de comunicación, se constituyen en agentes fundamentales en la prevención del escalamiento de la epidemia actual y en proveer información que no cause daño y que beneficie a todos.

Covid - 19: Ventilación mecánica para no intensivistas
By The Pontificia Universidad Javeriana via edX
Aborda aspectos relacionados con las medidas de protección y bioseguridad, intubación orotraqueal, ventilación mecánica, Síndrome de Dificultad Aguda Respiratoria en el marco de la contingencia actual mundial por el coronavirus.

COVID - 19: Abordaje inicial del paciente con infección por Covid-19
By The Pontificia Universidad Javeriana via edX
Este curso en línea busca hacer una introducción de los principales aspectos relacionados con el Coronavirus COVID-19.

Primeros Auxilios Psicológicos (PAP). Edición especial COVID-19
By Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona via Coursera
Ante la actual pandemia causada por el COVID 19, desde la UAB, en colaboración con la plataforma Coursera, hemos considerado que puede una selección de los materiales correspondientes al curso completo puede ayudar tanto a las familias como a los profesionales a responder con mayor eficacia al estrés que están generando el miedo al contagio, el confinamiento y las cantidad de muertes que se están produciendo.


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