Teach English Now! Theories of Second Language Acquisition

Coursera Teach English Now! Theories of Second Language Acquisition

Arizona State University
6 weeks
Paid Certificate Available
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In this course learners are introduced to second or foreign language theories and practices for teaching and assessing listening, speaking, and pronunciation. Learners will also be introduced to basic studies in second language acquisition and their pedagogical implications. Teachers will be invited to recognize the importance of grounding their own teaching philosophy through an examination of purpose, content, and technique.

  • Define your own personal teaching philosophy
  • Describe best practices for teaching listening, speaking, and pronunciation
  • Explain grammar translation and audio-lingual teaching approaches
  • Understand basic studies in second language acquisition
The Swing of the Pendulum: A Brief Look at ESL History
In this course, learners are introduced to second or foreign language theories and practices for teaching and assessing English. Learners will also be introduced to basic studies in second language acquisition and their pedagogical implications. Teachers will be invited to recognize the importance of grounding their own teaching philosophy through an examination of purpose, content, and technique. In Week 1, learners are introduced to the concepts of purpose, content, and technique as they relate to language teaching, and to some of the themes that will be repeated throughout the course, such as the time machine analogy and the angel and devil debates.

A Study in Contrasts: The Grammar Translation and Direct Approach
Learners go back in time to visit 1880 and 1910 to speak with teachers from the Grammar Translation and the Direct approaches. In our “Angel and Devil Debate” videos, learners will examine each approach from different points of view and decide for themselves which they agree with, if any. Finally, learners will be introduced to a variety of teaching methods that are derived from the Grammar Translation and the Direct approaches.

A Study in Contrasts: The Reading and Audiolingual Approach
Learners go back in time to visit 1930 and 1940 to speak with teachers from the Reading and the Audio-lingual approaches. In our “Angel and Devil Debate” videos, learners will examine each approach from different points of view and decide for themselves which they agree with, if any. Finally, learners will be introduced to a variety of teaching methods that are derived from the Reading and the Audio-lingual approaches.

A Study in Contrasts: The Cognitive and Affective-Humanistic Approach
Learners go back in time to visit 1960 and 1970 to speak with experts from the Cognitive and the Affective-Humanistic approaches. In our “Angel and Devil Debate” videos, learners will examine each approach from different points of view and decide for themselves which they agree with, if any. Finally, learners will be introduced to a variety of teaching methods that are derived from the Cognitive and the Affective-Humanistic approaches.

A Study in Similarities: The Comprehension and Communicative Approach
Learners go back in time to visit the 1980s twice to speak with teachers from the Comprehension and the Communicative approaches. In our “Angel and Devil Debate” videos, learners will examine each approach from different points of view and decide for themselves which they agree with, if any. Finally, learners will be introduced to a variety of teaching methods that are derived from the Comprehension and the Communicative approaches.

Each of the eight approaches covered in Weeks 2 – 5 will be summarized in preparation for the final quiz. Learners will have the opportunity to look at their graphic organizer and fill in any missing pieces of information as they review the principles taught in the previous weeks.

Taught by
Dr. Justin Shewell and Dr. Shane Dixon
First release
Last update
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