Exploring Beethoven's Piano Sonatas Part 3

Coursera Exploring Beethoven's Piano Sonatas Part 3

Curtis Institute of Music
7 weeks
Paid Certificate Available
Course Link
Welcome to Part 3 of Exploring Beethoven's Piano Sonatas!

I'm delighted to launch another set of new lectures of this course as Part 3. As before, this class is meant for people of all levels of experience with Beethoven's music (including no experience at all!). Remember that you are able to watch the lectures as many times as you like, at whatever pace is comfortable for you.
As I’ve done with the first two sets of Beethoven lectures, I look forward to meeting with students—online and in person, in various cities. The dates and locations will be posted in the Announcements and Events section, as part of the course content. So please remember to check back there for details.

In these four new lectures, we will explore the following sonatas:
• Sonata Op. 10, No. 1
• Sonata Op. 22
• Sonata Op. 31, No. 2
• Sonata Opp. 78, 79, 81a

The Dolfinger-McMahon Foundation supports Curtis’s lifelong learning initiatives.

welcome to class
We are glad that you have joined us for Part 3 of Exploring Beethoven's Piano Sonatas course, taught by Curtis faculty member and extraordinary concert artist, Jonathan Biss! This course is considered Part 3, with new and separate sets of lectures. Specifically, in Part 3 we will cover Beethoven's Piano Sonatas Op. 10, No. 1, Op. 22, Op. 31, No. 2 and Opp. 78, 79 and 81a. As with the other two Beethoven courses, it is not necessary to have taken the previous Exploring Beethoven's Piano Sonatas courses. We know you will be perfectly comfortable to start learning with Part 3, if you wish and go from here. There is always the option to go back to Parts 1 and 2 at any time. Between these two courses, there exists a large amount of additional resources and learning that might be helpful as you embark on Part 3. We certainly encourage you to take Parts 1 and 2, if you have not just yet. In the meantime, enjoy the class: Part 3 of Exploring Beethoven’s Piano Sonatas.

Op. 10 No. 1

Op. 22

op. 31 no. 2

opp. 78, 79 and 81a

Listening to the Sonatas
To supplement your learning during the course, enjoy free access to several of the Jonathan's Beethoven Sonatas recordings.

Your Thoughts Welcome

Taught by
Jonathan Biss
First release
Last update
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