Study Buddy Zoom study group (want to add more people) Join us!


Active Member
Hey everyone! :D

We're a fun and friendly bunch, a group of 10+ awesome people (we used to be 50+ strong!) looking to add even more cool folks to our daily Zoom study group! And guess what? We're a global gang with members from all over the world – India, the US, the UK, Sri Lanka, and plenty of other countries too! So, no matter where you're from, you're welcome to study or work with us every day!

Oh, by the way, I'm Gus! Just your typical grad student, studying sociology of human development, and proudly based in Chicago. I've been part of this amazing group since 2020, and let me tell you, it's been a lifesaver during my remote internship amidst the chaos of Covid. It also got me through the nerve-wracking process of applying for grad school! Next year, in May, I'll be done with the program, and I want all of you to experience the same awesome support and friendship I've found here. You'll never feel alone with us around!

Come on over and be part of our super cool study buddies! Here's the Zoom link:

Here or:

Can't wait to meet all of you!

Gus :)


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