Study Buddy Need a consistent/frequent study buddy for Ancient Humanities (intensive writing), primarily. Chemistry and algebra secondarily.


New Member
I'm really struggling with my Ancient Humanities class! It's just so research-intensive and I don't get how I'm supposed to summarize entire cultures (religion, art, philosophy, gender roles, politics, etc) in just a couple pages! But I'm also just struggling with my workload in general! I'm learning that I'm not good at being self-directed with these online courses.

Of course I'm more than willing to help you with your studies. I'm not completely useless ;) I have an above-average vocabulary, writing skills, etc. It's just that two heads are pretty much always better than one. I need my study buddy to be serious, consistent, committed and capable! Preferably in the US, but as long as you're fluent in English it should be fine.

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