Study Buddy LF Study buddy to keep the pace going on, to counter procrastination


New Member
Hi, I'm looking for a study buddy who would share their screen with me (and I share mine ofc), so we are both aware that we are actually WORKING and not procrastinating lol, I don't mind setting a camera too.. I have Zoom,Skype,Teams and willing to get any program your comfortable with

As for me, I'm studying biomedical science with the program called Anki, I create cards then I review them you can study however you wish and anything you want, the idea here is to motivate each other. We can also use the forest app to plant trees together.

Aiming at 6-7 hours a day, located in the GMT +1 region, so depending your region we can schedule it in a way to arrange us both.

Thank you !


New Member
Hi, I'm looking for a study buddy who would share their screen with me (and I share mine ofc), so we are both aware that we are actually WORKING and not procrastinating lol, I don't mind setting a camera too.. I have Zoom,Skype,Teams and willing to get any program your comfortable with

As for me, I'm studying biomedical science with the program called Anki, I create cards then I review them you can study however you wish and anything you want, the idea here is to motivate each other. We can also use the forest app to plant trees together.

Aiming at 6-7 hours a day, located in the GMT +1 region, so depending your region we can schedule it in a way to arrange us both.

Thank you !
i am looking for exactly the same thing, my productivity currently is about 3-4 hours, and I have a test upcoming on August 16 in medical genetics and metabolism…. Hoping to increase my output to 7-8 hours, but needs motivation lol!
if you are interested may be we can connect, let me know

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