How to Post an image or video


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You can upload a picture from the internet by clicking the image icon (next to the emoticon icon). A pop up box will appear. You just need to fill in the URL box and click insert and your image will appear in the reply box. Go through the same process if you want to embed a video. Click on the media (film reel) icon and a pop-up box will appear. Fill in the box by entering the URL from the list of sites that you can embed video from such as YouTube, Vimeo and Facebook. Click the ‘Embed’ button to upload the video.

To upload a picture from your computer or device, click the ‘Upload a File’ button. You can select the image you need. Another box will appear below the reply text box with information about the image you have uploaded. You can select whether to use the image as a clickable thumbnail image or use the full image in the post.
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