Study Buddy High School Subjects To Study With Me If Interested!


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Study Buddy
Hi, I am looking for a study buddy. I am 17 years old and a senior in high school, preparing for college next year. My senior year will be very busy. But I only have a few subjects but very easy fi you take time to do it. The subjects in high school I have are Pre-algebra, Basic health and Science (which is science), and finance I believe. I also will be doing retail. I will also be doing a P.E packet maybe and many more things to come this august. I start school in 3 days, but it's enough time to get to know each other and become good study buddies. I am really nice, and I have zoom or you can recommend another website or something to facetime if needed. my name is Hailey, and I am actually like, the only senior who will graduate this year in my class. I prefer a female study buddy but can be anyone! I can share my screen and things like that in zoom and I love meeting new people online. I have a pc and a phone, so we can contact each other anytime. I like to study a lot especially since I will be in college for 4 years in fact. So dm me or I'll dm you. I hope we have lots of fun. As of right now because school starts or before I get some real assignments from my school, and I'll even show you my schedule at school and classes I have. I will attach a file if you want to study as of today or in the next 2 days if you want to study immediately with me. Which I would love to do anyways. Currently I am studying for my driver license. I will help you out also. I am somewhat good at math and researching things, so you'll always find help from me.
Thank you and have a wonderful day.