First Ever World University Rankings Based On MOOC Performance Unveiled


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The overall MOOC offering in global higher education has grown considerably in recent years. Since 2015, the number of universities across the world delivering MOOCs has increased by over 85%, with over 70 million people taking courses across the three main MOOC platforms, Coursera, edX and FutureLearn.

MoocLab's World University Rankings by MOOC Performance (WURMP) grade universities on 5 performance indicators that measure an institution’s performance across the number of MOOCs provided, the provision of learning pathways, micro-credentials, degrees and the institution's average world ranking*.

If you are unfamiliar with MOOCs, see MoocLab's MOOC Help Centre.

The WURMP 2020 include over 200 universities across the world that offer courses on the three leading MOOC platforms - Coursera, edX and FutureLearn. The WURMP are the first ever world university rankings based on MOOC provision.

The Netherland's Delft University of Technology tops the 2020 edition of MoocLab's World Top 100 Universities by MOOC Performance, while the US have two universities in the top three with the University of Pennsylvania ranked in second place and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in third. The United Kingdom and Australia also each have a university in the top 10 with the UK's Coventry University ranked #4 and Australia's Deakin University ranked #8.

Top 10 universities

While 20 countries feature in the top 100, US universities dominate with 38 institutions listed, 7 of which are ranked in the top 10. The United Kingdom and Australia both account for 11% of the top 100 universities for their MOOC provision.

Countries represented in the top 100

After North America (42%) and Europe (31%), Asia is the third strongest region for universities providing MOOCs, representing 14% of all universities listed in the top 100 with Latin America tailing the league table with just 2 universities.

Regions represented in the top 100

MOOC platform Coursera boasts the highest number of universities in the top 100, with 10 in the top 20 and 3 in the top 5. Not-for-profit course provider edX has also partnered with 3 of the top 5 including the #1 ranked Delft University of Technology, and offers courses from 51 universities ranked in the top 100 and 13 in the top 20. The UK's MOOC platform FutureLearn currently partners with 18 universities listed in the top 100 including 5 in the top 20 and 2 in the top 5. The University of Michigan, ranked #5, is the only university to offer courses on all three platforms.

Top 100 universities by MOOC platform

*The average world university ranking is the mean score obtained from three of the most trusted World University Rankings: Times Higher Education World University Rankings (THE), QS World University Rankings (QS) and Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU).

See the full World University Rankings by MOOC Performance


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