
  1. Late Night Sesh

    Late Night Sesh

    Welcome to Late Night Sesh! ✨ Looking for a productive and supportive study space? Whether you’re tackling homework, preparing for exams, or working on projects, our server is here to help! What We Offer: ✅ Accountability groups ✅ Pomodoro study sessions & focus timers ✅ Subject-specific...
  2. Gus_Berisha

    Study Buddy Join Us - A group of amazing people at Study Together Forever Zoom Call

    Hi there! :) I have been part of and then organizing this study/working group since 2021, and I’ve met so many amazing students from all over the world! We recently created a new Zoom link because the old one was invalid for some reason. We’re inviting more people to join our study group, which...
  3. M

    Study Buddy For study buddy

    Join with me,if you are interested.i'm starting from now. Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting
  4. R

    Study Buddy looking for a study buddy :)

    Hi Guys! I'm a law trainee from Germany and I`m currently studying for my bar exam in November. What would really help me is a daily ZOOM study session, where we just quietly study and have the feeling of bein in a library. I think about 4 hours in the morning from Monday-Friday would be...