video game design

  1. edX

    edX Video Game Design History

    Overview Video games as a medium go back more than 50 years to mainframe computers. Even the central design of video games can be traced back to the first games themselves. To be a good game designer, it’s essential to have an understanding of the video game design industry’s fascinating...
  2. edX

    edX Video Game Design and Balance

    Overview In this course, you’ll enter the mind of a professional game designer. You’ll learn how to design different types of games, understand the commonalities between them and learn what is at the core of every game design, including game balance and why it is key to game design. What you'll...
  3. edX

    edX Gameplay Programming for Video Game Designers

    Overview Some video game designers are programmers in their own right, and may have even come from that background to a designer’s role. Others have a less formal background. All video game designers should have a solid understanding of what programmers can and cannot do, how assets interact...