u.s. government

  1. Coursera

    Coursera Public Policy Challenges of the 21st Century

    Overview This course introduces class participants to the political significance and societal consequences of challenges facing U.S. and international policymakers. It is designed to help participants develop skills to analyze policy proposals and advocate for their preferred options for issues...
  2. Coursera

    Coursera Introduction to Key Constitutional Concepts and Supreme Court Cases

    Overview This course offers an introduction to the U.S. Constitution and landmark Supreme Court cases interpreting it. It explores the Constitution’s origins, its amendment over the years, and methods of constitutional interpretation. Topics include the nature and structure of the federal...
  3. edX

    edX American Government: Constitutional Foundations

    Overview “We the People” are the opening words of the U.S. Constitution, yet the original document did not give citizens much say in the election of their officials. Though some of those issues have been addressed, substantial barriers—gerrymandering, voter registration, and voter ID laws—still...
  4. edX

    edX U.S. Public Policy: Social, Economic, and Foreign Policies

    Overview Public policy puts laws into action. The executive branch directs the combined activities of the federal government to address a multitude of problems, from the environment to the economy. The policies of the United States affect social issues, economic growth, taxes, regulation, and...
  5. edX

    edX How the U.S. Government Works & How to Get Involved

    Overview Feeling overwhelmed by modern-day politics? Looking to get involved but not sure where—or how—to start? Wondering what you can do to channel your energy into action and make a difference? This course is for you. Led by expert faculty from Georgetown University, How the Government Works...
  6. edX

    edX U.S. Political Institutions: Congress, Presidency, Courts, and Bureaucracy

    Overview How do the three branches of government operate? How is power shared among Congress, the president, and the Supreme Court? What role is played by federal agencies that have no direct constitutional authority of their own? In this part of our series on American Government, we will...
  7. edX

    edX Citizen Politics in America: Public Opinion, Elections, Interest Groups, and the Media

    Overview Public opinion has a powerful yet inexact influence on elected officials. Politicians risk their careers if they ignore it, yet its power is not easy to capture nor quantify. This course will look at how political parties, campaigns, social movements, special interests, and the news...