full stack

  1. Coursera

    Coursera Server-side Development with NodeJS, Express and MongoDB

    Overview This course deals with all things server-side. We base the entire course around the NodeJS platform. We start with a brief overview of the Web protocols: HTTP and HTTPS. We examine NodeJS and NodeJS modules: Express for building web servers. On the database side, we review basic CRUD...
  2. MoocLab

    Career Path Web Developer (Full Stack)

    What is a Full Stack Web Developer? A Full-Stack Web Developer works on both the front-end and back-end portions of an application. Front-end usually refers to what a website looks like to the user, and the back-end refers to the technology that powers the front-end side of the website. What...
  3. Carolyn

    MOOC-Based Online Bachelor’s Degrees in IT

    OpenClassrooms is a European online education platform based in Paris, France currently offering 5 MOOC-based online Bachelor’s Degree Paths in Front-End and Full-Stack Web Development, Android, iOS and Ruby development and Product Management. OpenClassrooms is registered with the Board of...
  4. Carolyn

    5 of the Most Coveted Specializations on Coursera

    Specializations were first introduced by MOOC Platform, Coursera, in January 2014 aiming to allow students to develop "mastery in a specific subject" through a series of related courses that often end with a capstone project. With only a handful of such learning programs available at the start...
  5. Carolyn

    Top programming courses from the best computer science schools

    Many of the schools offering online courses on Coursera are among the world's best universities for computer science, including six of US News and World Report's top 10 graduate computer science schools. Course topics range from introductory web development to advanced algorithms, so there's...
  6. Flatiron School Web Developer Program

    Coding Bootcamp Flatiron School Web Developer Program

    Overview This Web Developer program is an online coding bootcamp offered by New York’s Flatiron School, an accelerated educational program for web and mobile development. The online program teaches students to build real software using the same tools and workflows professional software...
  7. AcadGild

    Coding Bootcamp AcadGild

    Overview AcadGild is a technology education startup, founded by IT Industry professionals from IIT/IIM. The site aims to create an ecosystem for skill development, where people can learn from mentors and from each other. The courses teach hands-on, job ready software programming skills...