engineering school

  1. Nits

    Study Buddy Preparing for JEE 2025

    Hello there, I am currently in class 11th and preparing for IIT JEE 2025. anybody wants to study together reply me. We will surely check our daily tasks and will keep eyes on each other about our studies
  2. École Polytechnique

    FRA École Polytechnique

    L’École polytechnique associe recherche, enseignement et innovation au meilleur niveau scientifique et technologique mondial pour répondre aux défis du XXIe siècle. En tête des écoles d’ingénieur françaises depuis plus de 200 ans, sa formation promeut une culture d’excellence scientifique...
  3. CentraleSupélec

    FRA CentraleSupélec

    CentraleSupélec is the result of the merger of the Ecole Centrale Paris and the Supélec. The collaboration between the two Colleges of engineering begun in 1969 with the introduction of the joint competitive entrance exam. Since 2009, the Ecole Centrale Paris and Supélec have continually...