Schooltraq is an academic planner for students where you can track your homework and add assignments. The platform allows you to get access to your coursework anywhere and ensures that any changes sync across your computer and phone. The user dashboard gives you a heads-up view of your...
Marinara Timer is a productivity timer based on the Pomodoro method. You can choose from the traditional Pomodoro method timer with standard time periods of 25-minute work segments with five or 15-minutes breaks, or a custom timer you can tailor to fit your productivity needs.
StudyStack is another flashcard tool that makes learning, memorizing information, and preparing for an exam, a fun, stress-free, and enjoyable experience. You can study from ready-made flashcards made by a community of students and teachers or create your own. When you create flashcards on any...
Chegg provides support for students through a number of different services from textbooks to homework help and flashcards. It also lists internships and scholarships, and provides career advice.
Evernote Free lets you collect information quickly, organize it easily, and find it when you need it. It has multiple features for note taking, project planning, to-do lists, web clipping, and easy ways to find what you need, when you need it.
GoConqr is a social learning network that gives members the tools they need to discover, create and share engaging learning content with friends or colleagues. The platform offers a complete learning toolkit with numerous helpful features including mind maps, flashcards, self-created quizzes...
Hippocampus is a free academic website with a digital library of videos, animation, and simulations on general education subjects for middle-school to high-school and college students and teachers. It has thousands of free videos on 13 subjects.
Quizlet is a free website providing learning and teaching tools for students, parents, and teachers. From flashcards to help you learn French to games that make it easy to understand history, Quizlet offers a variety of tools to conquer any challenge. Members can search for or create and share...
Grammarly is an excellent AI-powered spelling and grammar checker that you can install into your browser to help you eliminate errors and find the perfect words to express yourself.
According to their website, 30 million people use Grammarly to improve their writing.
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