MOOC Transcript Builder

MOOC Transcript Builder

With MOOC credentials gaining in credibility, employers are starting to recognise the value of this form of education, a trend that is likely to grow over the coming years. With this in mind, keeping an organised record of your MOOC credentials will be beneficial when prospecting for jobs.

Most MOOCs already allow for easy sharing of course certificates on your LinkedIn profile which is a great way of showcasing your achievements and skills. Also, many MOOC certificates provide a verification URL link which allows you to prove that your certificate is genuine and that you completed and passed a course.

But how many employers will know this or want to take the time to find the link and check if each of your certificates is genuine? Here at MoocLab, we have been working on ways that will remove this time-consuming process for employers and give them the certainty that your MOOC credentials are authentic.


MoocLab provides a service which enables you to add your MOOC certificates with their verification URL to a secure database. On request, we will verify each certificate ourselves and issue a Verified Transcript of Academic Record in your name which can then be shared with potential employers or colleges.

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