Image Analysis Methods for Biologists

FutureLearn Image Analysis Methods for Biologists

The University of Nottingham
3 hours/week
4 weeks
Paid Certificate Available
Course Link
Improve your image analysis knowledge and ability to analyse your images
The use of automatic image analysis in the biological sciences has increased significantly in recent years, especially with automated image capture and the rise of phenotyping.

This online course will help improve your understanding of image analysis methods, and improve your practical skills and ability to apply the techniques to your images.

You will explore the process of image acquisition, through to segmenting regions, counting objects and tracking movement. Importantly, we’ll also try to highlight what to watch out for when using different image analysis approaches.

This course is designed for postgraduate and postdoctoral researchers in biological sciences.

The use of automatic image analysis in the biological sciences has increased significantly in recent years, especially with automated image capture and the rise of phenotyping.

This online course will help improve your understanding of image analysis methods, and improve your practical skills and ability to apply the techniques to your images.

Development and delivery of this course is supported by Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council Training Grant BB/P011845/1 Image Analysis for Biologists: An Online Course.

The course and practicals refer to the open-source Fiji software (Fiji is just ImageJ). To use this you will need a computer (rather than a tablet or smartphone). Please see installation instructions at the Fiji website.

What topics will you cover?
  • Introduction to image analysis
  • Introduction to digital images and image capture
  • Image noise, and noise reduction approaches
  • Using image analysis to measure traits for phenotyping
  • A brief introduction to computer coding
  • A look at a variety of image segmentation approaches
  • Building 3D models from 2D images
  • Using image analysis to monitor changes over time
  • A first introduction to AI-based approaches, such as deep learning
  • Practical experience of using the Fiji image processing/analysis software

Taught by
Andrew French
First release
Last update
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