• Find your perfect online Study Buddy today!

    Get matched up with compatible online study partners based on your interests and preferences

  • What is a Study Buddy?

    A Study Buddy is someone you study alongside with, offering each other mutual support, discussing concepts and working together on quizzes and assignments.

    Why do I need a Study Buddy?

    Studying online courses and MOOCs can be an isolating and frustrating experience, and studies have shown that students have a better overall experience and a higher success rate if they work with others with similar interests and goals.

  • How it works

    Create an Account

    Sign up on MoocLab.club and register your interests and preferences.

    Sign up

    Start Searching

    Search for suitable study buddies based on your specific requirements.

    Start searching


    Start interacting with your chosen study buddy using MoocLab's Private Messaging System.

    Get started

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