Tips for Building a Successful Online Study Group

Tips for Building a Successful Online Study Group 2021-04-01

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Being part of a study group is a great way to learn more about your subject, share ideas and keep yourself motivated. When you create an online study group, putting effort into the group will make sure it stays active and productive.

Here are some tips to get the most out of your online study group.

Decide how you’re going to meet​

There are plenty of tools you can use to collaborate with your study group. Decide which one you will use to meet with each other and put this in your group description. Popular free virtual meeting tools you can use are Zoom or Google Meet.

Set the agenda​

People have different ways they like to study in an online environment, so you’ll need to decide what works best for you and share this in your group’s overview. For example, do you prefer to study in silence (microphones off). Do you prefer to have the webcam on or off? How long do want each study session to last? You may like to have chat breaks during a session etc. Make sure anyone who joins knows the rules.

Moderate your group and study sessions​

If you create a study group, it is your responsibility to keep it active and productive. It is important your members feel welcome and heard. Visit your group regularly and respond to any comments or questions your group members have posted. If you schedule a group video meeting, make sure the group members know the focus of the session – will it be independent study, or will you be discussing a certain topic, for example? You can also ask other group members to be moderators, or take it in turns.

Respect other people’s opinions​

The main purpose of a study group is to share ideas and concepts. Make sure everyone has a chance to express their ideas and opinions and encourage your members to listen to what others have to say. Of course, you don’t have to agree, just make sure you do so in a respectful way.

Get Started​

If you’re looking for other students to study with, you can join or create a study group on MoocLab, or find a Study Buddy based on your preferences. Click here to get started.
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