I am an 18 year old high school graduate, residing in Dammam, KSA. My goal here is to find someone to study with me, benefitting me and you, keeping a check on my and my partner's progress and cracking JEE 2025 together, I haven't yet started my JEE preparation but i will join XYLEM LEARNING online JEE course.
My goal is to achieve something above 90 percentile and get into an NIT
Someone who targets an IIT is ok for me as i might as well change my goals depending on my performance in my JEE phase 1
I have attempted JEE 2024 with very negligible preparation and haven't achieved a good rank (my rank was in 5 lacks)
High School Graduate, JEE repeater· 17 · From Dammam, KSA
I really want to do some work done during this quarantine but studying alone at home does not motivate me to finish my school work. I really want to have someone who can motivate me to study. I will do my best to reciprocate those efforts and help you study too. :)
About me:
Hi. I'm currently studying Chemistry. I normally don't have the motivation to study unless I have someone to study with.
I'm Mariya and I'm 17. I'm willing to learn.
Going to be a linguiste. Need motivation to learn English, Belorussian history and Russian more deeply for the entering exams
Hi, I'm Jade. From Philippines, 16 years old, 11th Grade studying Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics. I am hoping to find someone to help me with my study and I am also willing to help.
Hi, I am Dilan. I am from Turkey. I am 21 years old. I don't speak English therefore I learning in English. Also I graduated from namik kemal university foreign trade department. And once again I studying university entrance exam.
Hey, I'm Tango, it's not my real name but I'd prefer if you could call me by that. I'm a sophomore in high school and pursuing a career in a lot of things in the medical field. I get distracted a lot but I can be really focused when I want to and a study buddy helps. I'll be trying to study Chemistry and Pre-cal so I hope you can join me, it'll be fun!
Name: Eva
Age: 15+
Gender: F (looking for the same gender)
From: Bangladesh (south Asia)
Speak: English and Bangla +a lil bit of Hindi
Education level: High school student and preparing for SSC examination
Major: Don't have any ... Wanna study all the books I have from my school for Exam l
Timezone: GMT6+ (looking for someone near my time zone)
Days/week you study: Everyday
Hours/day you study: 7+ (during school days) 10+ (during weekends)
Study schedule: negotiable ( but in weekdays 6-7 hours minimum and weekends 10 hours +)
What intervals do you usually use?
1. 25 minute work, 5 minute break, repeat
2. 50 minute work, 10 minute break, repeat
3. No interval, I take a break whenever I feel like it
4. 60 up to 180 min work, 15 up to 45 min break. Or 45/15 or any pomodoro technique.
how to interact.. its also negotiable and i m also comfortable with voice calls. or zoom too
Why are you seeking a study buddy? for accountability purpose which is hard to find in a study group. Also, I love studying but also socialising so it's a good way to combine both. And finally because motivation and focus increase when I feel/see someone is also studying like me right now.
What would you like to achieve in the long term? To improve myself. And of course, why not to get a good friend. your study partner? For years, until I graduate if possible. 47
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